Legal Corner. July 2024
Legal Corner. July 2024

Date: 31.07.2024

Author: Volodymyr Bozhko, Vasyl Polischuk

Photo: "Depositphotos"

A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.07.2024.

You are reading Legal Corner for July 2024. If you are looking for the legal updates from June of 2024, follow this link.


On 16 July, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Resolution № 3851-IX "On some issues of parliamentary control over the receipt and use of international material and technical assistance during martial law". By this Resolution, the Parliament approved the Report of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on monitoring the receipt and use of international material and technical assistance and completed the work of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


On 30 July, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) adopted Resolution № 864 "On Approval of the State Targeted Social Programme for the Strengthening of Ukrainian National and Civil Identity for the Period up to 2028". The purpose of the Programme is to create favorable conditions and establish inter-sectoral cooperation at the national and regional levels for the implementation of state policy in the field of strengthening Ukrainian national and civic identity through national-patriotic, military-patriotic education, civic education of the population of Ukraine, promotion of social and state values of Ukraine and the formation of Ukrainian national and civic identity on their basis.


On 30 July, the CMU adopted Resolution №861 "Some issues of providing fuel wood to the population of the territories where military operations are (were) conducted". According to this Resolution:

– for the period of martial law and six months from the date of its termination or cancellation, fuel wood is provided free of charge to the population of the territories where military operations are (were) conducted using independent collection of fuel wood by the population for household needs;

– the objects for independent collection of fuel wood for household needs are felling residues in forest areas of all types of felling. The collection of felling residues is carried out without separating the tree trunk from the stump and without using petrol and electric motor saws;

– the defense council of the respective oblast decides to support or not to support the implementation of measures for the independent collection of fuel wood for household needs within the oblast, in particular, determines the list of forest areas within which the collection of felling residues will be carried out, days and hours during which the collection of felling residues will be carried out;

– local self-government bodies shall ensure that civilians are informed about the decision of the defense council of the respective oblast to take measures for independent collection of fuelwood for households' domestic needs within the region through the media or by placing announcements in public places, as well as on official websites of local self-government bodies, indicating contact details of authorized representatives of permanent forest users and forest owners.


On 25 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 858 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Determining Recovery Areas". From now on, the territories of recovery include municipalities that meet at least one of the following criteria:

– there were hostilities on the territory of the hromada;

– the territory of the hromada or a part of it was temporarily occupied;

– there is destruction of critical and social infrastructure and housing facilities on the territory of the hromada as a result of hostilities and/or shelling;

– there is a sharp decline in the level of socio-economic development and significant displacement of the population to other regions and/or foreign countries on the territory of the hromada with the following indicators

  • the number of persons who have left the hromada and registered as internally displaced persons is more than 10 percent of the total population as of 1 January 2022;
  • the decrease in revenues from taxes and fees to the general fund of the local budget for the previous year compared to 2021 is at least 30 percent.


On 25 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 851 "On Approval of the State Standard of Specialised Secondary Education". According to this Resolution:

– the State Standard of Specialised Secondary Education was approved;

– the State Standard of Specialised Secondary Education will be applied from 1 September 2027 for students enrolled in twelve-year full general secondary education programs.


On 23 July, the CMU adopted Resolution №848 "On Approval of the Procedure for Monitoring Land and Soils". The approved Procedure defines the mechanism for monitoring land and soil to timely detect changes in the state of land, pollution, and soil properties, assess the implementation of land protection measures, preserve and restore soil fertility, prevent the impact of negative processes, and eliminate the consequences of such implications.


On 23 July, the CMU adopted Resolution №841 "On the beginning of the academic year during martial law in Ukraine". According to this Resolution, the 2024/25 academic year in general secondary education institutions will start on 2 September 2024 and last until 30 June 2025. This Resolution is to be applied during martial law.


On 18 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 835 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Provision of Housing Subsidies and Benefits for Housing and Utility Services". The Resolution amended the following Governmental acts:

– "Regulations on the Procedure for Granting Housing Subsidies", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 848 dated 21 October 1995 "On Simplifying the Procedure for Granting Subsidies to the Population to Reimburse Expenses for Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Liquefied Gas, Solid and Liquid Heating Fuel";

– “Procedure for Providing Benefits for Payment for Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Solid Fuel and LPG in Cash”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 373 dated 17 April 2019 "Some Issues of Providing Housing Subsidies and Benefits for Payment for Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Solid Fuel and LPG in Cash";

– "Procedure for Implementing a Pilot Project to Improve the Procedure for Providing Subsidies to the Population to Reimburse the Costs of Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Liquefied Gas, Solid and Liquid Heating Fuel", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 601 dated 13 June 2023 "On Implementing a Pilot Project to Improve the Procedure for Providing Subsidies to the Population to Reimburse the Costs of Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Liquefied Gas, Solid and Liquid Heating Fuel;

– "Procedure for Implementing a Pilot Project to Improve the Procedure for Registering War Veterans and Providing Them with Benefits for Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Solid Fuel and Liquefied Gas", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1395 of 27 December 2023 "On Implementing a Pilot Project to Improve the Procedure for Registering War Veterans and Providing Them with Benefits for Housing and Utility Services, Purchase of Solid Fuel and Liquefied Gas".


On 12 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 821 "On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 391 dated 25 April 2023 and No. 928 dated 25 August 2023". This Resolution amended the following acts of the Government:

– Resolution № 391 dated 25 April 2023 "Some Issues of Remuneration of Employees of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies during Martial Law";

– Resolution № 928 of 25 August 2023 "Some Issues of Remuneration of Employees of Enterprises, Institutions, Establishments, and Organisations during Martial Law".


On 12 July, the CMU adopted Resolution №813 "On Amendments to the Procedure for the Use of Funds Provided in the State Budget for Providing Concessional Long-Term State Loans to Internally Displaced Persons, Participants of the Anti-Terrorist Operation and / or Participants of the Joint Forces Operation for the Purchase of Housing". Therefore, according to the amendments:

– the object of preferential long-term state lending is an apartment in an apartment building or a single-family residential building, provided that such an apartment building or single-family residential building was put into operation no more than 50 years ago or reconstructed no more than 35 years ago;

– a preferential long-term state loan is granted for a term of up to 30 years, but not more than until the borrower reaches the age of 65 (inclusive) on the date of full fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement;

– the maximum loan amount may not exceed the amount obtained by multiplying the standard housing area by the maximum cost per m2. Any costs associated with the loan object that exceed the maximum loan amount shall be borne by the borrower;

– no later than on the day of concluding the loan agreement, the candidate deposits to his/her account opened with the agent bank funds in the amount of at least 6% of the cost of the housing and funds for the area and cost of housing exceeding the standard, if any.


On 12 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 812 "On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 830 dated 5 July 2004 and № 1144 dated 31 October 2023". This Resolution amended the following acts of the Government:

– Resolution № 830 dated 5 July 2004 "On Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the State Register of Encumbrances on Movable Property";

– Resolution № 1144 dated 31 October 2023 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Maintaining the State Register of Encumbrances on Movable Property".


On 9 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 807 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilisation and for a Special Period". Thus, according to the amendments, calls for military service will be issued to persons liable for military service using the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists, or the call form will be filled in by a representative of the district (city) territorial recruitment and social support center or its department.

The head of the district (city) territorial center for recruitment and social support or its department will put a qualified electronic signature on the call or personally sign the call and seal it with the stamp.

In case of forming a call-up notice using the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons liable for Military Service and Reservists, the head of the district (city) territorial center for recruitment and social support or its department will affix a qualified electronic signature to the call-up notice on the day of its formation.

The registration number of the call-up notice will be recorded in the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists.

Summonses generated with the help of the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons liable for military service and reservists, after the head of the district (city) territorial center for recruitment and social support or its department has affixed a qualified electronic signature, may:

– be centrally printed together with a list of enclosures and sent to persons liable for military service and reservists using postal services by registered mail with a list of enclosures and a notification of delivery;

– to be handed to persons liable for military service and reservists during the notification.

We would like to remind you that notification is the communication of signals and messages to military authorities, central and local executive authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, and the population about the announcement of mobilization, summoning citizens to territorial recruitment and social support centers, as well as the delivery (sending) of calls to citizens.

By Articles 18 and 21 of the Law "On Mobilisation Preparation and Mobilisation", executive bodies of village, settlement, and town councils, as well as enterprises, institutions, and organizations, provide timely notification during mobilization in accordance with the established procedure and ensure the arrival of citizens who are called to perform their mobilization obligation by the procedure set out in parts three to five of Article 22 of this Law.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 796 "Some issues of granting subventions from the state budget to local budgets to ensure high-quality, modern and affordable general secondary education "New Ukrainian School" in 2024". By this Resolution:

– “Procedure and Conditions for Providing Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets to Ensure Quality, Modern, and Affordable General Secondary Education "New Ukrainian School" was approved in a new version;

– approved the distribution of the amount of subvention from the state budget to local budgets to ensure high-quality, modern, and affordable general secondary education "New Ukrainian School" by areas in 2024 under the budget program 2211230.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 795 "On Implementation of the First Stage of the Pilot Project on Introduction of the Unified State Electronic System of Permits". According to this Resolution:

– a two-year pilot project was launched to implement the first stage of the Unified State Electronic System of Permits;

– the list of electronic public services provided in an automatic mode was expanded;

– “Procedure for Implementation of the Pilot Project on Implementation of the First Stage of the Unified State Electronic System of Permits” was approved.

Within the framework of the pilot project, the following administrative services in the field of labor protection and licensing will be provided in electronic form through the Electronic System and the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services:

– issuance of a license to carry out business activities in veterinary practice, suspension and renewal of a license in full, cancellation of a license in full;

– issuance of a license for the conduct of economic activities for the cultivation of plants included in Table I of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 6 May 2000 No. 770;

– issuance of a license to carry out educational activities at the level of preschool education, suspension, and renewal of the license in full, cancellation of the license in full;

– registration of the declaration of compliance of the material and technical base with the requirements of the legislation on labor protection (initial, updated).

Using the Electronic System, the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services, the following will be carried out:

– filing a complaint against actions (inaction) of the licensing authority regarding violation of the requirements of the licensing legislation;

– applying for withdrawal of a complaint against actions (inaction) of the licensing authority regarding violation of the licensing legislation.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 785 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on State Registration of Real Property Rights and Encumbrances". According to the Resolution, the following Governmental acts were amended:

– "Procedure for Maintaining the State Register of Real Property Rights", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1141 dated 26 October 2011. Thus, the special section of the State Register of Rights in connection with the registration of ownerless immovable property now contains information about the local government body upon whose application the property was registered as ownerless and the object of the property rights;

– “Procedure for State Registration of Real Property Rights and Encumbrances”, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1127 dated 25 December 2015. Therefore, now the state registrar, provided that there are no grounds for rejecting the application, uses the software tools of the State Register of Rights to form and register it in the application database separately for each property, except as provided by law;

– “Procedure for Assigning Addresses to Construction Objects, Real Estate Objects”, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 690 dated 7 July 2021.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 784 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Providing Financial State Support to Individuals Installing Generating Units Generating Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources in Their Households". Thus, according to the amendments:

– interest compensation will be provided to one individual under one loan agreement for the purchase and installation of a hybrid power supply system in his or her own private household with a real estate object, the total area of which may not exceed 250 m2, and one personal account of a household consumer of electricity;

– from the date of receipt of the loan, the individual shall submit copies of documents confirming the acquisition and commissioning of the hybrid power supply system to the authorized bank within 90 calendar days, as well as send a photo of the installed hybrid power supply system with a geolocation mark;

– to ensure the monitoring of the intended use of the purchased and installed hybrid electricity supply system, an individual will send a photo of the installed hybrid electricity supply system with a geolocation mark and data on the volume of electricity consumption on the personal account to the authorized bank once every six months.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 782 "On Amendments to the Peculiarities of Public Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services for Customers Provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement" for the Period of Martial Law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation". The Resolution introduced several innovations in the public procurement of goods, works, and services during the period of martial law.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 781 "Certain Issues of Provision of Medical Services to the Population for a Fee from Legal Entities and Individuals". According to the Resolution:

– a list of cases in which municipally-owned healthcare facilities may provide healthcare services to the public for a fee from individuals and legal entities was approved;

– healthcare institutions operating in the organizational and legal form of a municipal institution may carry out additional (economic) activities provided for in their charters and independently set fees for them;

– in municipal healthcare facilities:

  • the list of healthcare services that may be provided for a fee from legal entities and individuals, and their cost shall be published on the website of the healthcare institution and placed on information stands inside the healthcare institution;
  • the list of healthcare services provided by the healthcare institution to patients free of charge, at the expense of the state or local budget, in particular within the framework of the program of state guarantees of healthcare services to the population, is published on the website of the healthcare institution and placed on information stands inside the healthcare institution;
  • provision of healthcare services to the population for a fee from legal entities and individuals shall be documented with relevant supporting documents, entered the electronic healthcare system with the source of payment, and payment shall be made exclusively in non-cash form.

This Resolution will come into force on 1 January 2025.


On 5 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 779 "On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions for Providing Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets in 2024 to Ensure the Institution of a Veteran's Assistant in the System of Transition from Military Service to Civilian Life and Certain Measures to Support Persons Who Defended the Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine".

A veteran's assistant is a specialist in supporting war veterans and demobilized persons who provide them with services to support the transition from military service to civilian life in terms of opportunities, rights, guarantees, benefits, obtaining public, social, educational, rehabilitation, psychological and other services, and assisting them in finding the most appropriate tools to meet their needs.

Subvention administrators for local budgets are determined by decisions on such budgets in accordance with the law. The subvention is allocated to:

– providing remuneration with accruals for a support specialist who carries out his/her activities by the procedure approved in accordance with the established procedure;

– implementation of certain measures to support persons who have defended the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, by the procedure approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The conditions for granting the subvention are as follows:

– availability of trained support specialists, taking into account the information from the Unified State Register of War Veterans on the number of war veterans in the regions and the city of Kyiv and by the requirements and criteria set by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine;

– a decision to introduce support specialist positions in existing municipal institutions based on the provision of services by one support specialist to 100 war veterans;

– a duly approved staffing list of the municipal institution with the introduction of the position of a support specialist;

– determining the amount of remuneration for a support specialist by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 30 August 2002 № 1298 "On Remuneration of Employees based on the Unified Tariff Scale of Categories and Coefficients for Remuneration of Employees of Institutions, Establishments, and Organisations of Certain Branches of the Public Sector";

– proper arrangement of a workplace for a support specialist in existing municipal institutions and provision of funds for this purpose in the budgets of institutions.


On 2 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 774 "Some issues of distribution in 2024 of subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the payment of monetary compensation for housing for certain categories of persons who participated in hostilities on the territory of other states, as well as their family members". This Government Resolution:

– distributed almost UAH 400 million between the oblast budgets and the city of Kyiv;

– amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 214 of 28 March 2018 "Issues of Provision of Housing to Certain Categories of Persons Who Took Part in Hostilities on the Territory of Other States and Members of Their Families".


On 2 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 773 "Some issues of distribution in 2024 of subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the payment of monetary compensation for housing for certain categories of persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as their families". This Government Resolution:

– distributed almost UAH 3 billion between the oblast budgets and the city of Kyiv;

– amended Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 719 of 19 October 2016 "Issues of Provision of Housing to Certain Categories of Persons Who Defended the Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine, as well as Members of Their Families".


On 2 July, the CMU adopted Resolution № 772 "Some issues of distribution in 2024 of subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the payment of monetary compensation for housing for internally displaced persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine".

This Government Resolution:

– distributed more than UAH 2.3 billion between the oblast budgets and the city of Kyiv;

– amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 280 dated 18 April 2018 "Issues of Provision of Housing for Internally Displaced Persons Who Defended the Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine".


On 2 July, the CMU adopted Resolution №767 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Submitting Applications for Compensation for Losses, Damage or Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine to the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine using the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services". By this Resolution, more than UAH 285 million was distributed among the budgets of individual territorial communities in Volyn, Dnipropetrovs'k, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy and Chernihiv oblasts.


On 25 July, the CMU issued Order № 685-r "On Approval of the Distribution of Additional Subsidies from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Exercise of Powers of Local Self-Government Bodies in the De-occupied, Temporarily Occupied and Other Territories of Ukraine Affected by the Full-Scale Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation for the Second Quarter of 2024".


On 18 July, the CMU issued Order № 661-r "On the Distribution of Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Provision of Safe Conditions in General Secondary Education Institutions in 2024". This order allocated almost UAH 206 million to the budgets of certain hromadas in Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, and Sumy oblasts.


On 12 July, the CMU issued Order № 650-r "On the Distribution of Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Provision of Safe Conditions in Healthcare Facilities in 2024". According to this order, almost UAH 940 million was distributed among the budgets of certain communities in Dnipropetrovs'k, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Ternopil, Poltava, Rivne, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytskyi and Chernihiv oblasts.


On 5 July, the CMU issued Order № 632-r "On Approval of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Building a Safe and Healthy Educational Environment in the New Ukrainian School for 2024". According to the approved Action Plan, local governments (with their consent) are responsible for implementing various measures to achieve the strategic goals set out in the plan.


On 2 July, the CMU issued Order № 612-r "On the Distribution of Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Provision of Safe Conditions in Healthcare Facilities in 2024". This order allocates almost UAH 59 million between the budgets of Kamianske and Zolochiv town hromadas and the budget of Rivne oblast.

Legal Corner. August 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.08.2024.
#legal corner
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How to register ownerless property?
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova explain what unclaimed property is and what local self-government bodies should do when they discover and identify unclaimed property.
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Allocation of costs to general production and administrative
How to allocate costs for the enterprise? Experts of the "U-LEAD with Europe" program, Iryna Drozd and Tetyana Larikova, answer this question in detail.
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Municipalities are working on the strategic environmental assessment for policy documents
Strategic environmental assessment of documents is a tool for implementing environmental policies. The municipalities, together with U-LEAD experts, explored the relevant legal framework and considered the issues that arise during the SEA procedure.
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Cash assistance to employees of local self-government
Leave and summer holidays are usually associated with the payment of cash assistance. Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, answer the question of how to tax these payments.
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Looking out for the best interest of the child is the task of local self-government bodies
The experts of U-LEAD with Europe held an info session “Development of Alternative Formats of Family Upbringing in Municipalities” to present the powers of local self-government bodies in reforming the system of institutional care for children as well as other issues.
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Amendments to the Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” entered into force
The use of the state language at plenary sessions of councils and meetings of deputy commissions, their video recording, storage and publication of the videos, as well as regular updates of open data regarding municipal property rights. To clarify key provisions of the Law, U-LEAD held a series of open information events.
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Arranging the input and output of material assets ​​during the leave of the financially liable person
It’s vacation time, and U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova advise on formalising liability for the institution’s material assets if the financially liable person is on leave.
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Accounting of green plantings after initial recognition in budget institutions
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, continue to provide answers to urgent questions of employees of the accounting services of municipal budget institutions, including regarding the further accounting of green plantings after their initial recognition.
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Legal Corner. June 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 30.06.2024.
#legal corner
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How to prevent conflict of interest in municipalities?
Employees of local self-government bodies exercising their powers may give rise to a conflict of interest. This most often occurs due to a lack of knowledge of the integrity policy legislation. U-LEAD organised an event to clarify the legal framework and its practical application.
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U-LEAD and the Department of Inspection in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast talked about occupational health and safety
Municipal officials learned about the main aspects of the implementation of national employment policy under martial law: employment laws, occupational health and psychosocial assistance at the workplace.
#working issues
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Barrier-free environment in municipalities: from communication to universal design of spaces and services
The U-LEARN platform launched the support programme “Creating an Institution for Barrier-Free Access in Municipalities”. At the first seminar, U-LEAD experts talked about the basic principles and legal framework for creating a barrier-free environment in Ukraine.
#training programmes
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Initial accounting of green plantings in budget institutions
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, continue to offer their advice. This time, they gave a number of recommendations to budget institutions regarding the initial accounting of green plantings.
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The Donetsk Oblast figures out how to keep military records
U-LEAD experts continue to clarify the powers of local self-government bodies under martial law. Together with the municipalities of the Donetsk Oblast, they analysed the specifics of the implementation of the military record-keeping system, the deadlines for entering employees into the lists and the persons responsible.
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Specifics of inventory accounting and valuation
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova continue to provide advisory support. This time they responded to a number of questions on inventory accounting and valuation in budgetary institutions.
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The Kushuhum municipality set up a volunteer fire brigade in 23 hours
Organising local fire and rescue units is a task of local self-government. U-LEAD introduced local self-government officials to the theory and practice of establishing a local fire department.
#volunteer fire brigades
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Draft and military records: U-LEAD experts explained the powers and responsibilities of the local self-government officials to them
Defence and daft efforts, as well as keeping military records of citizens, fall under the scope of competence of state and local self-government bodies. Given the changes to the legislation and the extension of martial law in Ukraine, the role of local self-government in these processes is becoming increasingly important.
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U-LEAD experts presented IPARD-III support directions to the local self-government official
This programme enables candidate countries for EU membership to prepare for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. The support covers the development of rural areas and the sustainable agricultural sector.
#development strategy
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The Petrove municipality has changed its approach to working with abandoned property
Its experts who joined U-LEAD’s Support Programme have developed packages of documents and step-by-step procedures for identifying, accounting of abandoned property and bringing it under municipal property.
#training programmes
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Village club 2.0 or creative space: establishing a cultural services centre in a municipality
The reform of the cultural sector is among the least visible in wartime. Its key stage is currently underway, reforming the basic network of cultural institutions at the municipal level and forming cultural service centres. U-LEAD experts and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy explain what difficulties municipalities face and how to overcome them.
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Municipalities can create institutions to provide primary legal aid for free
Local self-government bodies provide their residents with a wide range of administrative, social and other services. Free primary legal aid is also part of their mandate.
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Recommendations to municipal institutions: accounting of fixed assets
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova continue to provide consulting support. This time, they discussed the net book value of fixed assets, periods of useful life and accounting of land plots.
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How to organise accounting in municipal budgetary?
U-LEAD experts clarify cases that require the creation of a centralised accounting service and how it should be better organised, as well as explain the duties of administrators of budget funds.
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Legal Corner. May 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.05.2024.
#legal corner
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Taxing hospitality: who, where and how should control the tourist tax
According to municipal officials, the tourist tax is yet to become a development tax. U-LEAD experts held discussions to work out under what conditions the tourism industry would generate income and municipalities would reach their full potential.
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How can municipalities ensure the resilience of their critical infrastructure?
U-LEAD experts explained what plans and programmes municipalities should have on the resilience of critical infrastructure and civil defence, and how to oversee their compliance.
#energy security
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State GeoCadastre clarified the state land relations policy to the municipalities of the Rivne Oblast
U-LEAD continues the practice of cooperating with state institutions to provide municipalities with clarifications on new bills and amendments to the legislation. This time, experts of the State GeoCadastre discussed land management with the municipalities of the Rivne Oblast.
#land lease
#land reform
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Mine action of local self-government: securing, informing, promoting humanitarian demining
Since the outset of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, almost 28,500 civilians have been injured from landmines and explosive ordnance. Pursuant to Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine “On Mine Action”, the actions or inaction of local self-government bodies may be challenged in court as prescribed by law. What are the powers and duties of local self-government regarding mine action? How can municipalities protect their children and adults? Read more below.
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Procedure and grounds for the local self-government to contract volunteers
For municipalities, volunteering is still both a new and critical direction. That is why U-LEAD keeps organising relevant events for local self-government officials and inviting experts to provide clarifications.
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What is regulated by the Law “On Access to Public Information” for local self-government bodies
Public information and free access to it are among the fundamental principles of a democratic society and European approaches to relations between the authorities and the public. However, not all information available to the local self-government is open. And public information does not always mean open. Read more about the difference in our article.
#public information
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The Vyhoda municipality has developed a Municipal Energy Plan
Municipal officials worked for 6 months under the expert support of U-LEAD as part of the Experience Sharing Network “Development of Municipal Energy Plans”.
#energy security
#training programmes
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Passing inspections in wartime
Revision, audit and monitoring of procurements: representatives of the municipalities of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast learned how to smoothly pass inspections by regulatory bodies.
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Safety Commissions: creation and operation
To ensure an adequate level of civil protection, municipalities create special Commissions on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergency Response. U-LEAD experts provided clarification on the creation of the Commissions, explored their main powers and analysed their financing mechanisms.
#safety in municipality
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Use of property of non-working educational institutions in rural areas: what do you need to know?
If the property of a non-working general secondary education institution cannot be used for the needs of education, social protection, culture, sports or health care, municipalities have the opportunity to use it for other needs. Such actions are provided for by law, but subject to compliance with a number of conditions
#municipal property
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New Training program: "Development of the Statute of the Municipality"
Do you want to normalize relations with the public and strengthen interaction with citizens? Do you have to regulate the tools of local democracy at the local level? Do you want to openly, transparently and effectively involve citizens in decision-making at the local level? Join the training program from "U-LEAD with Europe"!
#training programmes
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Provide support and assistance: Local self-government authorities to implement veteran policy
Developing a comprehensive approach to support veterans and their families, creating a high-quality veteran policy, as well as arranging systematic work to provide services to veterans and their families at the appropriate level are the tasks that require significant human, financial and organisational resources from local self-government bodies. U-LEAD experts explained how to effectively implement this policy in the municipality.
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The Fastiv municipality, Kyiv Oblast, introduces the one-stop shop for veterans
The status of a veteran should be stigmatised or associated with a bunch of issues that no one knows how to solve. Rather, it is an honourable status that means respectful treatment and real support. Almost every municipality in Ukraine is now undergoing the evolution from the first to the second, dignified approach. The municipality of Fastiv has come far, from volunteer initiatives to comprehensive changes in veterans’ policies.
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Legal Corner. March 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.03.2024.
#legal corner
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Children and war: How can municipalities ensure proper care and protection?
U-LEAD experts have systematised information on the powers of local self-government bodies in the field of protection of children’s rights and talked about the main functions of the guardianship and custodianship body under martial law.
#internally displaced persons
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Understanding the legal basis for volunteer involvement to be of great importance to municipalities
For local self-government officials, the U-LEAD Programme organised an information session on the peculiarities of volunteer involvement, terms and details of concluding agreements on volunteer activities, mechanisms for reimbursement of volunteers’ expenses, issuance of volunteer certificates and useful tips on volunteer accounting.
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Why local authorities should support rural development: EU legislation and best practices
Rural areas make up more than 70% of the entire area of Ukraine. Their prosperity and development should be a priority for local authorities. One of the Wednesdays with U-LEAD events covered rural development standards in effect in the European Union and how local authorities and the state can benefit from them.
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Voluntary civil defence units as an effective security tool
In the context of martial law, the local self-governments seek new opportunities to improve security. It is possible for municipalities to create VCDUs to assist other services. U-LEAD experts explain the way to do this.
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Changes in the Medical Guarantee Programme and how to use them for the benefit of patients and hospitals
U-LEAD experts told the participants of the info session about the expansion of the Medical Guarantee Programme and changes in the financing of services, the inspection of healthcare facilities by the National Health Service and the improvement of services for patients.
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Changes in the legislation on humanitarian aid: who is affected and how to proceed?
U-LEAD experts informed representatives of local self-government about important changes in the legislation regarding humanitarian and charitable aid, its import, accounting and use.
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Legal Corner. February 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 29.02.2024.
#legal corner
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Cessation of ownership of destroyed municipal property: U-LEAD explains the procedure
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, a lot of the Ukrainian municipalities have suffered from the destruction, so the issue of the cessation of ownership of the destroyed municipal property is an urgent one. The various events of the U-LEAD with Europe programme for specialists in local self-government have been devoted to this issue, with the clarification of the algorithms of action in specific cases.
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Filing declarations for employees of local self-government in 2024: deadlines, requirements and clarification
The declaration campaign for the 2023 reporting period is open until 31 March 2024. Income declarations must be submitted by local government employees, members of local councils and other declaration filers.
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Recording destruction and damage of property: Algorithm of actions for local self-government bodies
The enemy keeps launching rocket attacks and shelling the territories of the municipalities, causing a lot of destruction and damage to the infrastructure and to the private property. Full recovery requires not only funds, but also a specific recording process, with local self-government bodies playing a key role. Learn more about the algorithm of actions for recording destruction and its peculiarities in the commentary of the U-LEAD expert.
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Hospital CEO appointment: from competition announcement to contract signing
The U-LEAD experts explained to the representatives of municipalities the algorithm of holding a competition for the position of the healthcare facility CEO and clarified the issue of part-time work and competition procedures during the martial law period.
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Local self-government employees must declare property located in the temporarily occupied territories
According to the updated Clarifications of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, the declaration filer must include in the declaration information about any real estate belonging to them and their family members, including any real estate located in the temporarily occupied territories.
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Legal Corner. January 2024
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.01.2024.
#legal corner
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Legal Corner. December 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.12.2023.
#legal corner
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Paid social services: Who should pay, what services are provided on a paid basis and how much do they cost?
Since 2020, the provision of social services has been transferred to the municipal level. Reasonably, the question of funds for payment of these services for certain categories of recipients arose. U-LEAD experts clarified the cases when social services may be provided on a paid basis and how their differentiated fees are calculated.
#social services
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Despite the war, decisions on local budgets for 2024 are subject to mandatory publication!
What must be made public in terms of budget documents under martial law? When and where should the decision on the budget 2024 be made public? What to do if the municipality has lost access to its Internet resources, what are the alternative information platforms for publishing the decision?
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New requirements for providing bomb shelters in municipalities: clarification of U-LEAD experts
New requirements for providing bomb shelters came into force on the 1st of November. How will these innovations affect their reconstruction and overhaul? What additional restrictions should local self-government bodies keep in mind when equipping protective facilities from now on?
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Expert: Municipalities can allocate the free balance of the budget only to certain directions
The President of Ukraine signed Law No. 3428-IX “On Amendments to Section VI of the Budget Code of Ukraine on Ensuring the Support of the State’s Defence Capabilities and the Development of the Defence and Industrial Complex of Ukraine” dated 8 November 2023. This Law lists directions for the municipalities to allocate free local budget balances under martial law.
#local budgets
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Аnti-corruption legislation: What has changed for local self-government bodies?
On clarification of changes for local self-government bodies with the entry into force of Law of Ukraine No. 3384-ІХ “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Defining the Procedure for Submission of Declarations by Persons Authorised to Perform State or Local Self-Government Functions under Martial Law”.
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Legal Corner. November 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 30.11.2023.
#legal corner
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Decolonisation of toponyms: To be implemented by municipalities by January 2024
How exactly should local self-government bodies implement the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation and Prohibition of Propaganda of Russian Imperial Policy in Ukraine and Decolonisation of Toponymy”.
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Legal Corner. October 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 31.10.2023.
#legal corner
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Legal Corner. September 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This version is current as of 30.09.2023.
#legal corner
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Teacher appraisals: details of the procedure
How exactly to carry out the appraisals of teaching staff in 2023/2024? What are the procedures for the scheduled appraisal as well as extraordinary appraisals initiated by the employee/manager? U-LEAD’s expert answers these questions.
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Dismissal from the local self-government bodies under martial law
U-LEAD adviser clarifies the powers of employers, the rights of employees and the general provisions under which employment can be terminated in local self-government bodies.
#working issues
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Lakes and ponds, waterworks, aquaculture: How to manage "water resources" for municipalities
The participants of the "Coffee with Experts" discussion, hosted by the U-LEAD with Europe Regional Office in Odesa Oblast, learned about the management, and history of local water resources and the reform process in this area.
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Infographics: Developing recovery plans
U-LEAD experts analysed the legislation and made infographics to show you the stages and timelines of recovery plans, the components of these plans and who develops them.
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Municipalities and U-LEAD experts analyzed the innovations in legislation in the field of water resources management
During the event in the Coffee with Experts format, the municipalities of the Poltava, Kharkiv and Cherkasy Oblasts spoke with U-LEAD experts on Spatial Planning and Natural Resource Management about the updates in the water resources management legislation and approaches to water resources management.
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Can the municipality finance the needs of the military at the expense of local budgets? U-LEAD clarifies
At the event for Cherkasy municipalities, a hot topic was discussed: solving financial issues under martial law. The participants familiarized themselves with changes in the legislation in the spheres of financial and budgetary relations of the local government, worked out urgent issues of the implementation of the powers of the local government and discussed the powers to finance the needs of the military at the expense of local budgets.
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An employee of a local self-government body is a blood donor: how not to violate their rights?
U-LEAD experts provided clarification on donor guarantees to employees of local self-government bodies who voluntarily donate blood and its components. These include an additional day of rest and leave on the day of examination and donation. What to do if the employee must be present at the workplace on the day of blood donation?
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Legal Corner. July 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 31.07.2023.
#legal corner
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The Law No. 3050: Expert explains changes for local self-government bodies/military administrations on setting individual tax exemptions
The Law No. 3050 "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Exemption from Environmental Tax, Land Payment and Real Estate Tax Other Than a Land Plot for Destroyed or Damaged Real Estate" has recently come into force. What impact does it have on local self-government bodies and what are the new powers of municipalities?
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On the simplified procedure for local taxes and fees for the period of martial law
The participants of the information session, held by U-LEAD in partnership with the Southern Interregional Department of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, learned about the peculiarities of regulatory policy during the war, the possibility for local councils to adopt acts under a simplified procedure, as well as the pitfalls of such indulgences.
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Things to know about archives and the document nomenclature in 2023
The participants of the information session, held by U-LEAD in partnership with the State Archives of Mykolaiv Oblast, learned about the peculiarities of archival affairs and record keeping in municipalities.
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U-LEAD helps municipalities to understand public procurement for budget funds
Read our material about public procurement for budget funds, authorised persons and municipalities' work with experts from the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER).
#local budgets
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Legal Corner. June 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 30.06.2023.
#legal corner
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The Law “On Waste Management” enters into force
U-LEAD experts offer you an infographic dedicated to the related changes, requirements and responsibilities of local governments.
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How to deal if a local government employee stayed in the temporarily occupied territory and was forced to obtain a Russian passport?
U-LEAD experts provided explanations on personnel issues related to the work of local self-government under occupation.
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U-LEAD with Europe jointly with tax authorities explains peculiarities of taxes and fees payment under martial law to municipalities of Kharkiv Oblast
During the joint information session, the U-LEAD with Europe Regional Office and the Main Department of the State Tax Service in Kharkiv Oblast discussed changes to the tax legislation under martial law and the ability of local self-government representatives to ensure the flow of their own resources to local budgets.
#local budgets
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What annual leave can a local self-government employee expect in 2023?
Participants of the U-LEAD information session learned about the rules for granting annual leave under martial law, restrictions, refusals, compensation and legislative regulation of this process. You can also find out!
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Role of Regional Departments of Health at the current stage of medical reform
Read our experts’ analytical article to find out more about the competencies, duties, functions, past and future of the Regional Departments of Health.
#health care
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Legal Corner. May 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 31.05.2023.
#legal corner
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Expert: Despite the war, municipalities must release public information as per the laws
Read more to learn about the balance between transparency and security, requirements for local self-government to release information under martial law and the use of the “three-fold test” in this process, as well as how the municipalities can determine whether to restrict access to the information.
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Practical advice for employers when using e-services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine
U-LEAD with Europe held an info session where the participants learned about the innovations of the e-services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and the features of the e-sick leave service, learned about typical errors when filling out e-documents and clarified how to settle sick leave.
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Legal Corner. April 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 30.04.2023.
#legal corner
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Introduction of the minimum tax liability will increase revenues to municipal budgets
U-LEAD adviser explains how the new Law No. 1914 affects the Tax Code, changes for agricultural land tenants and how to pay the minimum tax liability correctly.
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Accounting for humanitarian aid in relocated municipalities
Ihor Ahibalov talks about the lack of a legal framework and regulations to be followed when receiving and distributing humanitarian aid.
#international support
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New law gave municipalities additional tools for fire brigades
U-LEAD presents the changes in legislation and explains their significance.
#volunteer fire brigades
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Legal Corner. March 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 27.03.2023.
#legal corner
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Protecting workers and preventing fines
These are the tasks set by the State Labour Service for municipalities in March.
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Certification of local self-government officials under martial law
U-LEAD experts discussed its procedure.
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How does martial law affect access to public information? U-LEAD experts explain
Since the outset of the full-scale invasion, information security, protection of personal data and counteracting misinformation in the municipalities have become critical challenges for local self-government.
#public information
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Legal Corner. February 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 28.02.2023.
#legal corner
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Prohibition or permission to travel abroad. Who in the municipalities is affected by the new Law?
The Government has amended the rules for crossing the border, introducing a number of restrictions that also affect local self-government.
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About territories where you can not pay some types of taxes - a conversation with experts in the Kharkiv oblast
The regional office of the Programme, together with the Main Department of the State Tax Service in the Kharkiv oblast, organised an information session for more than 40 municipalities.
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U-LEAD experts in partnership with the State Tax Service explain legislative innovations to municipalities
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme works together with partners to improve the tax culture of the population and the businesses community.
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U-LEAD experts explained to municipalities the procedure for allocating land shares under martial law
The procedure for allocating land shares became a topic for discussion at Coffee with Experts, an event held by the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in the Zaporizhzhia oblast.
#land lease
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Legislative support: municipalities can establish local and volunteer fire brigades
Read more to learn about the latest changes in legislation, organisation and support of local fire and rescue units.
#volunteer fire brigades
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The importance of a Law on Administrative Procedure for citizens in general and for local self-government in particular, based on the German example
Interview with Ms. Manuela Söller-Winkler, State Secretary retd., International Expert of U-LEAD with Europe
#reform of the local self-government
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Legal Corner. January 2023
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 31.01.2023.
#legal corner
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Legal Corner. December 2022
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 31.12.2022.
#legal corner
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Legal Corner. November 2022
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 30.11.2022.
#legal corner
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Legal Corner. October 2022
A digest of all news on legislation in parts that may concern local self-government. This information is constantly updated. This version is current as of 31/10/2022.
#legal corner
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