The Pyriatyn municipality shared its experience of attracting external resources
The Pyriatyn municipality shared its experience of attracting external resources

Date: 30.07.2024

Author: Natalia Vinnychuk

Photo: "U-LEAD"

A municipal budget is always limited, and finding funds for development in it is a difficult task. During the experience exchange event “Tools for Attracting Additional Resources for Municipal Development” organised by the Regional Office of U-LEAD in the Poltava Oblast, the municipality of Pyriatyn shared how to implement projects and attract extra-budgetary funds for them.

Over the past four years, the Pyriatyn municipality has implemented several large-scale projects in various directions, from education to utility services, culture and social sphere. At the experience exchange event “Tools for Attracting Additional Resources for Municipal Development” for heads of municipalities in the oblast, which was organised by the Regional Office of U-LEAD in the Poltava Oblast, Andrii Simonov, Mayor of Pyriatyn, told his colleagues about the success cases involving extra-budgetary grant funds and organisational and technological approaches to the investment attraction process:

“My main priority is to attract investments. I personally coordinate the work of the team assigned to the projects and programmes of international technical assistance and determine the directions of their development. In less than four years of work, we managed to direct a million euros to the agricultural sector of the economy, dairy and berry clusters; about half a million euros went towards the environment, specifically solid waste management. These are the largest grant-funded projects. There are many great, important social initiatives for the residents of the municipality implemented thanks to co-financing through participation in projects. We are glad to share this experience so that municipalities develop for the benefit of the people, of Ukraine.”

One of the largest projects was “Development of Value-Added Chains in the Dairy and Berry Clusters of the Pyriatyn Municipality to Expand the Economic Opportunities of Youth and Rural Residents and Ensure Eco-Oriented Growth”, worth about EUR 1,200,000. As part of the project, art sewing and culinary co-working spaces with modern equipment were created in the local Lyceum No. 6. The long-term outcomes of the project will include the increase in local employment rates and the introduction of an environmental component in food production.

Note that the Pyriatyn municipality successfully uses the approach of combining various possibilities to achieve the goal and move toward the desired objective in small steps. A great example of that is the creation of KOLOMOLODI, a youth space. It was made possible thanks to the implementation of two projects at once. The premises were renovated jointly with the Programme of Involvement of Youth in the Reconstruction of Ukraine VIDNOVA:UA. While the furnishing and equipment for the space with furniture were provided with the support of the International Organisation for Migration.

Thanks to the support of the UNICEF Children’s Fund, a daycare for children with disabilities was created in Pyriatyn in the former Prolisok Kindergarten. Equipment for adaptive, sensory and multifunctional play rooms was purchased for the daycare as part of the project “Spilno. Social Services”.

Another large-scale project with many components was addressing the load on the landfills in Pyriatyn and three other neighbouring municipalities. Thanks to the international technical assistance project “Supporting the Export Initiative for Environmental Technologies” by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), a local utility company, EkoService-2022, purchased a modern sorting line, a special vehicle, a press, a loader, containers for separate waste collection and now sorts plastic, paper and glass. Last year alone, almost 70 tonnes of waste were sorted here for secondary processing, and already 90 tonnes were sorted in the first half of 2024. During the time of its operation, the company earned about UAH 900,000.

The implementation of these projects cost several millions, which were not spent from the municipal budget. After all, budgetary priorities are different in wartime. Funds for development and social projects were received from donors. This was facilitated by a strategic vision of problems and solutions, as well as by always seeking new opportunities.

“The experience of the Pyriatyn municipality shows that the attraction of extra-budgetary funds as a development tool works well where there is a clear vision of solving problematic issues and the willingness of the management team to invest their time, efforts and organisation in changes,” Iryna Balybina, Head of the local Regional Office of U-LEAD, said at the end of the event.
























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#intermunicipal cooperation
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#intermunicipal cooperation
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#international cooperation
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U-LEAD with Europe jointly with tax authorities explains peculiarities of taxes and fees payment under martial law to municipalities of Kharkiv Oblast
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U-LEAD helps municipalities stabilise budget processes in wartime
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#local budgets
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Cross-border cooperation programmes for municipalities
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#international cooperation
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10 grants in the field of security, culture, agriculture, recovery of territories in wartime
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#international cooperation
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#international cooperation
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Municipalities from six oblasts will be eligible for the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 programme
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#international cooperation
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In 2022, 14 municipalities of the Zhytomyr oblast received almost EUR 1,000,000 in aid from U-LEAD
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#training programmes
#local budgets
#emergency aid
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In 2022, the municipalities of the Chernihiv oblast received almost EUR 1 million in aid from U-LEAD
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#training programmes
#local budgets
#emergency aid
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Municipalities of the Zhytomyr oblast won EUR 50,000 each for two business support projects
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Shevchenkove Municipality Implemented a Project on Energy Independence with the Support of U-LEAD
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#energy security
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9 grants for media and NGOs
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme continue to compile selections of relevant grant opportunities for various fields in the conditions of the war.
#international cooperation
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About territories where you can not pay some types of taxes - a conversation with experts in the Kharkiv oblast
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Project managers of Radomyshl municipality attracted UAH 2.59 million in 2022
There is a lot to learn from local experts and entrepreneurs.
#international cooperation
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U-LEAD experts in partnership with the State Tax Service explain legislative innovations to municipalities
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme works together with partners to improve the tax culture of the population and the businesses community.
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9 grant opportunities for municipalities in culture, education, security and healthcare
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme continue to compile current grant opportunities in various fields for local self-government during the war.
#international cooperation
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How to stabilise the municipal budget system? Tips from U-LEAD
Finance professionals of 40 municipalities from all over the country gained practical skills in developing and implementing measures to stabilise the financial situation of municipalities.
#local budgets
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The municipality of Ozerna created a youth space and opened a film studio
The Ozerna municipality in the Ternopil region won a grant for establishing a modern youth space and launching a media centre for the local youth. Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme provided consulting support for the preparation of the project application by public activists of Ozerna.
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11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is committed to its efforts to provide expert support to municipalities regarding project activities and assistance in attracting international funds for the recovery and development of territories in wartime.  Our experts are open to cooperation with municipalities and ready to provide assistance in the process of drawing up and submitting a project application.
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How to participate in the EU-funded Digital Europe Programme: examples of projects, open tenders, preparation of a project application
U-LEAD experts prepared a summary of the materials basen on the information session "How to participate in the Digital Europe Programme".
#digital transformation
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Kosiv municipality builds a new shelter for IDPs
Municipalities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region are committed to expanding the housing options for internally displaced persons.
#internally displaced persons
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U-LEAD teaches financial autonomy to municipal educational institutions
An info session on this was held for the municipalities of the Kharkiv region. Accounting for autonomous educational institutions and the peculiarities of labour relations with employees of educational institutions under martial law were also discussed.
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