We invite you "Corruption and Integrity: Changing the Paradigm"
We invite you "Corruption and Integrity: Changing the Paradigm"

Date: 20.05.2024

Author: Iryna Nahorna

Photo: "Freepik"

Join a conversation with Yevhen Hlibovytskyi about corruption from the point of view of historical and cultural dimensions, anti-corruption, integrity and ethics.

Webinar "Corruption and Integrity: Changing the Paradigm"

On May 23, 2024, at 3:30 p.m., the online webinar "Corruption and Integrity: Paradigm Change" will be held as part of the "House of Integrity" project.

In the studio of the "U-LEAD with Europe" Program, Yevhen Hlibovytskyi - General Director of the Frontier Institute, Ukrainian public intellectual and expert in developing long-term strategies, together with Victoria Kozachenko, Executive Director of the Frontier Institute, an expert in building integrity, public management and administration, will discuss the transformation of the vision and the change of approaches and the transition from the logic of anti-corruption to the logic of integrity.

During the event, the following topics will be considered:

  • how anti-corruption, integrity and ethics are interrelated;
  • the phenomenon of corruption from the point of view of historical and cultural dimensions;
  • development of systems in the logic of integrity.

Webinar participants will be able to ask questions and leave feedback in the feedback form.

Anyone can join the webinar, for this you need to register using the link until 22.05.2024 (the Form is in Ukrainian language).

The webinar will be held within the framework of the "House of Integrity" Project, which is implemented by RMTeam International with the support of the "U-LEAD with Europe" Program. The purpose of the Project is to support public servants and representatives of local self-government in the development and implementation of effective policies, in particular in the field of restoration and reconstruction, based on the principles of integrity and transparency, taking into account international anti-corruption standards.

The list of project beneficiaries includes the authorities of the national and local levels:

  • Public servants of central executive bodies;
  • Representatives of municipalities (bodies of local self-government);
  • Anti-corruption commissioners.

Additional information about the webinar.

NAPC is launching the Marathon on Corruption Risk Management
During this event, corruption prevention and detection officials will be able to hone their corruption risk management skills in practice. The organizers promise: a minimum of lectures, a lot of practice and a unique experience await the participants.
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U-LEAD launches interactive online course “Household Waste Management in Municipality”
Join to learn the general principles of waste management, to plan, create and develop household waste management systems at the local level and to properly conduct information and educational activities in this area.
#training programmes
#waste management
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Irpin Development Agency invites heads of municipalities and public activists to join the event
On September 12, the Agency will share its performance results and project management training techniques they have developed for city council employees and public activists.
#project management
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Acqiusition of property to municipal ownership: U-LEAD announces call for participants for the new training program
If your municipality works to grow own resources, if it receives various types of support, if it struggles to make municipal property documents in order, then new U-LEAD with Europe training program is just for you!
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
#municipal property
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NACP invites you to the Forum of Integrity in Municipalities on August 16
We invite listeners and the media to the Forum, a unique platform created by the NACP to coordinate actions to build integrity in municipalities. Representatives of authorities, international organizations, and local self-government bodies will share their experiences and achievements at the event.
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“Steps for Specialists. Geographic Information Systems for the Development of Municipalities”
The new training program from U-LEAD will familiarize participants with geographic information systems, their application possibilities, sources of geospatial data about the community, and skills to use them.
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the unique training program "Steps for Specialists. Onboarding into Municipal Service"
This unique onboarding program will teach about the legal basis of local self-government and everything necessary to comfortably enter the professional activity and carry it out effectively.
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Join the Management of Corruption Risks Webinar
On July 31 as part of the House of Integrity project, a webinar will be held, the participants will receive comprehensive material on the principles of corruption risk management, and upon its completion, online certificates.
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Join Training Program "Steps for Specialists. Reconstruction projects in municipalities"!
Join the Program that will help you to train competent specialists for high-quality planning and implementation of reconstruction projects in municipality.
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#steps for specialists
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How do municipalities develop “political will” to combat corruption? Study conclusions
U-LEAD’s external expert has analysed how local authorities manage to initiate and maintain meaningful anti-corruption efforts. This article examines the processes in six regions of Ukraine that showcase sustainable reform efforts between 2014 and 2021, as well as offers three recommendations for international and local political actors seeking to support reforms.
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U-LEAD launches interactive online course "Business Friendly Municipality: from Challenge to Project Idea"
The course will provide municipalities with practical tools for generating quality project ideas in the field of entrepreneurship support and development. The course will be especially relevant for those municipalities that already understand the benefits of cooperation and support for local businesses and their crucial role in local economic development.
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How to prevent conflict of interest in municipalities?
Employees of local self-government bodies exercising their powers may give rise to a conflict of interest. This most often occurs due to a lack of knowledge of the integrity policy legislation. U-LEAD organised an event to clarify the legal framework and its practical application.
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We invite you to the Launch event of the initiative “Rebuilding a Better Ukraine via the New European Bauhaus Academy (NEB Academy Hub Ukraine)”.
This initiative will engage local stakeholders and Ukrainian experts to understand the needs of the rebuilding efforts, current knowledge on different approaches to construction, and to develop a business model for local a NEB Academy Hub.
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U-LEAD with Europe launches an online course "Spatial planning in a territorial community"
The online course is tailored for a diverse audience, including representatives of local self-government bodies such as city councils and mayors' offices, experts who assist communities with spatial planning, and community members interested in local planning processes.
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the training program "Steps for Specialists. Remuneration of Labor in LSG"
Would you like the specifics of calculating and paying salaries, as well as other incentive and compensation payments to be simple, clear and logical for you? Do you want to create the decent conditions for remuneration? Is your goal to make effective decisions on the usage of budget funds? Then join the new training program!
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#steps for specialists
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The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is selecting municipalities to join the project on the creation of micro- and smallholders
The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is launching a project that will affect the development of the rural population and territories. Only 15 municipalities will be selected to participate in the IPRSA pilot project.
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U-LEAD invites to participate in a new comprehensive support programme ”Development of a network of authorised representatives of local self-government bodies to support rural development of municipalities”
Find out how municipalities can organise the activities of local self-government bodies and increase their level of knowledge to support the rural development of communities.
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Join the training program "Steps for Specialists. Project Cycle Management 2024" by U-LEAD with Europe!
Are you new to project management? Do you want to strengthen your skills in writing and implementing projects, introduce yourself to the latest approaches and methodology for elaborating project proposals, and analyse key mistakes that occur in the process of project preparation and implementation? Join the training program by U-LEAD with Europe!
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
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New Training program: "Development of the Statute of the Municipality"
Do you want to normalize relations with the public and strengthen interaction with citizens? Do you have to regulate the tools of local democracy at the local level? Do you want to openly, transparently and effectively involve citizens in decision-making at the local level? Join the training program from "U-LEAD with Europe"!
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U-LEAD is inviting you to take part in the new Training program «Steps for Specialists. Healthcare Management in the Municipality»
It will help to introduce a systematic approach to strategic planning for the development of a network of healthcare facilities, improve coordination between owners of municipal healthcare facilities, governing bodies and management of healthcare facilities, ensure the provision of quality healthcare services.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
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We invite you to "Steps for specialists. Introduction of medium-term budget planning in municipalities"
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine will resume medium-term budget planning in 2024. Do you want to prepare a high-quality local budget forecast? Then U-LEAD with Europe is initiating a new training programme!
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the new Training Program "Steps for Specialists. Organisation of access to public information in local self-government bodies"
Does your local authority receive a lot of requests for information and find it difficult to deal with them? Do you have any difficulties with the «three-fold test»? Are you not sure if information on your website is disclosed in accordance with the law? If you have these and other questions related to providing access to public information, we invite you to join our Training Program.
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#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites to participate in the new Support Program "Development of the public health system in the municipality"
Would you like to have a systematic approach to public health promotion in your municipality? Do you want to develop local public health documents according to the needs of the municipality? Do you need to establish intersectoral cooperation to support health? Join the U-LEAD with Europe Support Programme "Development of the public health system in the municipality"!
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U-LEAD is launching a survey to obtain your opinion on the role and autority of LSG's in the field of animal treatment
Join our initiative and help us assess the state of relations between animal rights activists and local authorities and hear what actions of the authorities, in your opinion, will be most effective.
#animal treatment
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"Building sustainable municipalities — what does it take?"
U-LEAD with Europe is honored to invite you to join our practical discussion on "Building sustainable municipalities". Let's rebuild Ukraine and make it prosperous — together!
#international cooperation
#intermunicipal cooperation
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Training Program "Steps for specialists. Implementation of the control and audit system in municipalities"
Do you want to minimize management risks? Protect resources from loss or misuse? To achieve the mission and development goals of the municipality in the most economical, efficient, and effective way?
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Join the Training Program “Steps for Specialists. Arranging Social Services in Municipalities”
Complete this online training course and learn how to properly arrange and provide social services to your population.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
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New grants from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation: additional opportunities for municipalities in 2024
U-LEAD, together with the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, opens a new grant season and opportunities for project activities to the municipalities of Ukraine for their local self-government bodies.
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the new Training program «Development and implementation of local budget»
We are announcing a new initiative, thanks to which financial specialists of communities will learn how to implement and effectively use local budgets.
#training programmes
#local budgets
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Development of transparent processes and prevention of corruption risks in healthcare facilities
How to ensure transparent functioning of your hospital and what deserves special attention during anti-corruption changes — answers to these questions in analytical material from U-LEAD experts.
#health care
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Аnti-corruption legislation: What has changed for local self-government bodies?
On clarification of changes for local self-government bodies with the entry into force of Law of Ukraine No. 3384-ІХ “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Defining the Procedure for Submission of Declarations by Persons Authorised to Perform State or Local Self-Government Functions under Martial Law”.
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U-LEAD invites for participation in the educational programme “Steps for specialists. Administrative procedure”
On January 16, 2024, a new initiative from U-LEAD will start. Is is designed to help hundred of local self-government officials deepen their understanding of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure", as well as to develop their skills and abilities.
#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites you to join the new Experience Exchange Network “Abandoned Property Management”
Organize the work of your local council in the field of identification, accounting and acquisition into municipal ownership of abandoned property.
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October 17 – final event “Hromada 4.0” acceleration program
On 17 October 2023, the participating municipalities will present digital solutions for improving municipal management, increasing cyber security, and business development.
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the unique onboarding training program"Steps for Specialists. Entry to Professional Activity"
An intensive two-week program that contains answers to current questions of professional activity, is based on real cases and includes a theoretical and practical component
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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U-LEAD invites applications for "Steps for Specialists. Project cycle management - 2023"
Learn to form a goal, tasks and results, plan a project budget and present it to potential donors! As part of this training program, you will be able to develop your project idea into a full-fledged project proposal.
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Communal property management in health care sphere: U-LEAD Programme announces call for applications for a new Municipal Experience Exchange Network (Support Program).
Joint communal non-profit enterprises: from the initiative to the start of effective work! Establish cooperation with other municipalities, create a joint utility non-profit enterprise for the development of your minicipalities! The new Support Program from "U-LEAD with Europe" will help you with this.
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#steps for specialists
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Communal property management in municipal development sphere: U-LEAD Programme announces call for applications for a new Municipal Experience Exchange Network (Support Program).
Joint communal enterprises: from the initiative to the start of effective work! Establish cooperation with other municipalities, create a joint utility enterprise for the development of your municipalities. The new Support Program from "U-LEAD with Europe" will help you with this.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
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First aid training
We invite municipality educators to participate in training on first aid for sudden cardiac arrest and life-threatening conditions.
#health care
#training programmes
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Development of Municipal Energy Plans: U-LEAD announces open call for the support programme.
From November 2024, the MEP will become a mandatory municipal document. U-LEAD offers support and expert guidance to municipalities selected in an open competition to develop this Plan. Municipalities will begin the development in June and present their MEPs at the national level in October.
#training programmes
#energy security
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Interaction of LSGs and volunteers: enrolment to the new U-LEAD Training Program starts
Are there volunteer initiatives and associations in your municipality, but you don't know how to interact with them effectively? Do you want to improve cooperation with volunteers so that their activity continues after our Victory, but do not understand how to establish communication? Join the U-LEAD training program and build partnerships with volunteers!
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Expert support of municipalities in the development of a municipal energy plan — selection of participants has begun
U-LEAD is launching a four-month support program for municipalities that want to develop a quality Energy Plan with expert support.
#training programmes
#energy security
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Safety Experience Sharing Network: presentation of the competitive selection
What is this Network and how to participate in it? What are the requirements for participants and what should they expect? Fill out the application for competitive selection by April 30 and show your results and achievements as early as September.
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Municipalities from six oblasts will be eligible for the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 programme
A large cross-border cooperation programme will finance their Environment and Healthcare projects with EU funding.
#international cooperation
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Invitation for local self-government officials: Experience Sharing Network “Development of the Municipal Safe Environment Programme”
Learn how to improve safety and pool resources to create an appropriately safe environment, who are safety stakeholders and what kind of impact ensuring a safe environment of the municipality can have on its social and economic development.
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The time of digital changes: a new opportunity for digitalisation of Ukrainian municipalities
The international organization SocialBoost together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and under support of U-LEAD with Europe Programme is launching acceleration programme for municipalities which will help to develop and implement digital transformation projects.
#digital transformation
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11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is committed to its efforts to provide expert support to municipalities regarding project activities and assistance in attracting international funds for the recovery and development of territories in wartime.  Our experts are open to cooperation with municipalities and ready to provide assistance in the process of drawing up and submitting a project application.
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Invitation for municipalities: new methods of conflict resolution and strengthening of cohesion 
Participate in the project aimed at strengthening dialogue as an important tool of local self-government to take into account the needs of various groups of local residents, business representatives, public organisations, as well as internally displaced persons living in the municipality.
#community dialog
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NACP presents research on corruption risks in kindergartens and schools
On November 9, 2022, the presentation of the results of the study "Strategic analysis of corruption risks in preschool and general secondary education" will take place. The event starts at 11:00.
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