U-LEAD launches interactive online course “Household Waste Management in Municipality”
U-LEAD launches interactive online course “Household Waste Management in Municipality”

Date: 04.09.2024

Author: Chernysh Oleh

Photo: "U-LEAD"

Join to learn the general principles of waste management, to plan, create and develop household waste management systems at the local level and to properly conduct information and educational activities in this area.

U-LEAD with Europe Programme's interactive online course “Household Waste Management in Municipality” is designed to provide municipalities with practical tools to create an effective waste management system at the local level, conduct effective outreach activities and ensure sustainable environmental development. The course will be relevant for representatives of local self-governments, specialists of utility companies involved in waste management, as well as for active citizens who want to:

  • create an effective waste management system in the community that meets European
  • standards
  • establish dialogue and mutual trust on the environmental development of the municipality
  • implement the best international and Ukrainian experience in their municipalities
  • efficiently use waste, including demolition waste

The course is already available on the U-LEARN platform (section ‘Hot Topics’).

The online course “Household Waste Management in Municipality” consists of the following 5 modules:

  • Module 1: General principles of waste management
  • Module 2: Technical and economic aspects of municipal houselod waste management
  • Module 3: Planning the establishment and development of a household waste management system at the local level
  • Module 4: Waste management from the destruction of infrastructure as a result of armed aggression, emergencies and natural disasters
  • Module 5: Information and awareness raising activities of municipalities in the field of waste management

The course offers:

  • Interactive format
  • Training at a convenient time
  • Online tools for practicing the acquired knowledge and skills
  • Certificate upon completion of the course
  • Additional materials (manual, glossary, list of useful sources)

Register on the U-LEARN platform and look for the course in the ‘Hot Topics’ section.

10 municipalites have developed their charters
U-LEAD completed the implementation of a new initiative on the development of statutes, the participants of which were representatives of ten municipalities from all over Ukraine.
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The final event of the course "Establishment of youth councils in territorial municipalities" took place
Representatives of local self-government and municipality youth studied for 4 months how to create a youth council and develop a youth movement in the municipality. The training program ended with a youth camp.
#training programmes
#youth councils
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NAPC is launching the Marathon on Corruption Risk Management
During this event, corruption prevention and detection officials will be able to hone their corruption risk management skills in practice. The organizers promise: a minimum of lectures, a lot of practice and a unique experience await the participants.
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Monitoring and evaluation of development strategies: U-LEAD introduced a support programme
The main focus of the programme is on the increased capacity of local self-government officials to monitor and evaluate the progress of the Municipal Development Strategy and the Action Plan for its implementation.
#development strategy
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Opportunities opened for municipalities by Erasmus+
U-LEAD continues to introduce local self-government to capacity-building opportunities. This time, more than 50 participants of the event learned about the activities of the EU Erasmus+ programme and discussed how the implementation of European practices contributed to the development of municipalities.
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U-LEAD completes “Steps for Specialists. Remuneration of Local Self-Government Employees”
The war and martial law have had a significant impact on human resources, as the large-scale displacement created an acute shortage of professionals, especially in rural municipalities. That is why the U-LEAD Program offers training programmes to support and train municipal officials on various issues.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
#working issues
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Irpin Development Agency invites heads of municipalities and public activists to join the event
On September 12, the Agency will share its performance results and project management training techniques they have developed for city council employees and public activists.
#project management
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Director of the Kozyatyn Hospital: We decided to focus on implementing KPIs
For seven weeks, 89 municipal officials from different oblasts of Ukraine participated in the training programme on improving the healthcare management system. Doctors and managers strategised about the development of healthcare facilities and communication while making management decisions. Finally, they visited some municipalities of the Poltava Oblast.
#study visit
#training programmes
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Acqiusition of property to municipal ownership: U-LEAD announces call for participants for the new training program
If your municipality works to grow own resources, if it receives various types of support, if it struggles to make municipal property documents in order, then new U-LEAD with Europe training program is just for you!
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
#municipal property
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We invite you to "Steps for specialists. Formation and approval of the local budget 2025"!
This training program will prepare you to form a budget in conditions of uncertainty and urgent changes, as well as for a turbulent budget process.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
#local budgets
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Management of reconstruction projects: U-LEAD will train municipal professionals
U-LEAD’s new training programme “Steps for Specialists. Management of Reconstruction Projects in Municipalities” will help local self-government officials improve their professional competences to ensure the high-quality reconstruction of war-torn infrastructure.
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U-LEAD experts presented the new Steps
At the promotional event, more than 50 participants learned about the timeline and features of this training cycle of the course “Steps for Specialists. Geographic Information Systems for the Development of Municipalities”. Among its key outcomes is the creation of an address register of toponyms in a municipality.
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NACP invites you to the Forum of Integrity in Municipalities on August 16
We invite listeners and the media to the Forum, a unique platform created by the NACP to coordinate actions to build integrity in municipalities. Representatives of authorities, international organizations, and local self-government bodies will share their experiences and achievements at the event.
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We invite you to “Business Environment of the Municipality”!
This is an evaluation and development program from U-LEAD with Europe, which will help to identify the real state and existing problems of the business environment in your municipality, establish cooperation with businesses and understand how to build further cooperation.
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“Steps for Specialists. Geographic Information Systems for the Development of Municipalities”
The new training program from U-LEAD will familiarize participants with geographic information systems, their application possibilities, sources of geospatial data about the community, and skills to use them.
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the unique training program "Steps for Specialists. Onboarding into Municipal Service"
This unique onboarding program will teach about the legal basis of local self-government and everything necessary to comfortably enter the professional activity and carry it out effectively.
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Join the Management of Corruption Risks Webinar
On July 31 as part of the House of Integrity project, a webinar will be held, the participants will receive comprehensive material on the principles of corruption risk management, and upon its completion, online certificates.
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Join Training Program "Steps for Specialists. Reconstruction projects in municipalities"!
Join the Program that will help you to train competent specialists for high-quality planning and implementation of reconstruction projects in municipality.
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U-LEAD implemented a support programme for municipalities on public budget development and implementation
At the final seminar, participants made an intermediate summary and discussed their achievements, challenges and further goals.
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#local budgets
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Municipalities of the Sumy Oblast are developing local waste management plans
Comprehensiva Advisory Programme “Develoipment of Local Waste Management Plans” continues. Interim results of the Konotop-Romny Cluster of Sumy Oblast.
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30 municipalities are being trained as part of the “Steps for Specialists. Remuneration of Local Self-Government Employees”
These Steps are an intensive online training course for officials in charge of accounting and HR in local self-government.
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
#working issues
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U-LEAD launches interactive online course "Business Friendly Municipality: from Challenge to Project Idea"
The course will provide municipalities with practical tools for generating quality project ideas in the field of entrepreneurship support and development. The course will be especially relevant for those municipalities that already understand the benefits of cooperation and support for local businesses and their crucial role in local economic development.
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U-LEAD’s new support programme: supporting rural development according to EU standards
The first seminar discussed the models of supporting rural development in EU countries and changing approaches to the development of rural areas in Ukraine aimed at harmonising them with the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.
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#development strategy
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Access to public information in local self-government bodies: how to set it up efficiently?
Even though the Law “On Access to Public Information” has been in effect for more than a decade, its implementation is still fraught with many difficulties. What are these difficulties and how to ensure the sustainable and capable performance of local self-government bodies in this direction? This was discussed at the final event of STEPS, the training programme by U-LEAD with Europe.
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
#public information
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The training programme “Steps for Specialists. Local Self-Government Communication” has come to an end
U-LEAD completed a training programme for local self-government officials, designed to increase their professional knowledge and competence in communication. The final event of the initiative focused on effective communication approaches and building success stories.
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#steps for specialists
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Barrier-free environment in municipalities: from communication to universal design of spaces and services
The U-LEARN platform launched the support programme “Creating an Institution for Barrier-Free Access in Municipalities”. At the first seminar, U-LEAD experts talked about the basic principles and legal framework for creating a barrier-free environment in Ukraine.
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We invite you to the Launch event of the initiative “Rebuilding a Better Ukraine via the New European Bauhaus Academy (NEB Academy Hub Ukraine)”.
This initiative will engage local stakeholders and Ukrainian experts to understand the needs of the rebuilding efforts, current knowledge on different approaches to construction, and to develop a business model for local a NEB Academy Hub.
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The Petrove municipality has changed its approach to working with abandoned property
Its experts who joined U-LEAD’s Support Programme have developed packages of documents and step-by-step procedures for identifying, accounting of abandoned property and bringing it under municipal property.
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U-LEAD with Europe launches an online course "Spatial planning in a territorial community"
The online course is tailored for a diverse audience, including representatives of local self-government bodies such as city councils and mayors' offices, experts who assist communities with spatial planning, and community members interested in local planning processes.
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the training program "Steps for Specialists. Remuneration of Labor in LSG"
Would you like the specifics of calculating and paying salaries, as well as other incentive and compensation payments to be simple, clear and logical for you? Do you want to create the decent conditions for remuneration? Is your goal to make effective decisions on the usage of budget funds? Then join the new training program!
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Municipalities participating in the “Creating a Project Office in the Municipality” programme will get additional opportunities
The support programme “Creating a Project Office in the Municipality”, which ended in May, will have a practical follow-up. Even though the scheduled activities on the U-LEARN educational platform have been completed, its participants will get further support and additional opportunities for development.
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The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is selecting municipalities to join the project on the creation of micro- and smallholders
The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is launching a project that will affect the development of the rural population and territories. Only 15 municipalities will be selected to participate in the IPRSA pilot project.
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U-LEAD invites to participate in a new comprehensive support programme ”Development of a network of authorised representatives of local self-government bodies to support rural development of municipalities”
Find out how municipalities can organise the activities of local self-government bodies and increase their level of knowledge to support the rural development of communities.
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The training programme for local self-government bodies “Project Cycle Management” was launched for the fourth time
Participating municipalities of the fourth wave of U-LEAD’s “Steps for Specialists. Project Cycle Management” embarked on an online training course. At the first seminar, they talked about the main changes in education, new formats and offline classes, as well as obtaining accreditation from the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service.
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#steps for specialists
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Client-oriented approach and service management in the social sector: experience of the municipalities of the Poltava Oblast
Participants of the U-LEAD training programme “Steps for Specialists. Organising Social Services in Municipalities” learned about best practices of municipalities in the Poltava Oblast.
#international cooperation
#steps for specialists
#study visit
#training programmes
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We invite you "Corruption and Integrity: Changing the Paradigm"
Join a conversation with Yevhen Hlibovytskyi about corruption from the point of view of historical and cultural dimensions, anti-corruption, integrity and ethics.
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The Vyhoda municipality has developed a Municipal Energy Plan
Municipal officials worked for 6 months under the expert support of U-LEAD as part of the Experience Sharing Network “Development of Municipal Energy Plans”.
#energy security
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The support programme “Monitoring and Evaluation of the Municipal Development Strategy and the Action Plan for Its Implementation” was launched
Participants from 12 municipalities will study tools for evaluating and monitoring development strategies. From April to August 2024, experts of U-LEAD with Europe will work with them as part of training sessions and consultations.
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#development strategy
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Join the training program "Steps for Specialists. Project Cycle Management 2024" by U-LEAD with Europe!
Are you new to project management? Do you want to strengthen your skills in writing and implementing projects, introduce yourself to the latest approaches and methodology for elaborating project proposals, and analyse key mistakes that occur in the process of project preparation and implementation? Join the training program by U-LEAD with Europe!
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New Training program: "Development of the Statute of the Municipality"
Do you want to normalize relations with the public and strengthen interaction with citizens? Do you have to regulate the tools of local democracy at the local level? Do you want to openly, transparently and effectively involve citizens in decision-making at the local level? Join the training program from "U-LEAD with Europe"!
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Municipalities of the Sumy Oblast will develop local waste management plans
U-LEAD experts will help 16 municipalities of the Sumy region develop local waste management plans, carry out a strategic environmental assessment, harmonise local waste management plans between municipalities and coordinate them with the regional plan.
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U-LEAD is inviting you to take part in the new Training program «Steps for Specialists. Healthcare Management in the Municipality»
It will help to introduce a systematic approach to strategic planning for the development of a network of healthcare facilities, improve coordination between owners of municipal healthcare facilities, governing bodies and management of healthcare facilities, ensure the provision of quality healthcare services.
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The Ovruch municipality relies on project activities
To create a project management sector — this decision was made by the municipality of Ovruch which joined U-LEAD’s support programme “Creating a Project Office in the Municipality”.
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We invite you to "Steps for specialists. Introduction of medium-term budget planning in municipalities"
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine will resume medium-term budget planning in 2024. Do you want to prepare a high-quality local budget forecast? Then U-LEAD with Europe is initiating a new training programme!
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The new "Steps" train a client-oriented approach
90 employees of local self-government bodies from all over Ukraine will learn to be client-oriented in the provision of social services. Read more to find out why this approach is important and which basic premises started the training.
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#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the new Training Program "Steps for Specialists. Organisation of access to public information in local self-government bodies"
Does your local authority receive a lot of requests for information and find it difficult to deal with them? Do you have any difficulties with the «three-fold test»? Are you not sure if information on your website is disclosed in accordance with the law? If you have these and other questions related to providing access to public information, we invite you to join our Training Program.
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“Steps for Specialists. Human Resource Management”: a new opportunity for municipalities
U-LEAD has launched a new training programme, “Steps for Specialists. Human Resource Management”. The programme will help local self-government officials prepare for the development and creation of effective HR management services and the implementation of the Law “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies” as amended.
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U-LEAD invites to participate in the new Support Program "Development of the public health system in the municipality"
Would you like to have a systematic approach to public health promotion in your municipality? Do you want to develop local public health documents according to the needs of the municipality? Do you need to establish intersectoral cooperation to support health? Join the U-LEAD with Europe Support Programme "Development of the public health system in the municipality"!
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U-LEAD is launching a survey to obtain your opinion on the role and autority of LSG's in the field of animal treatment
Join our initiative and help us assess the state of relations between animal rights activists and local authorities and hear what actions of the authorities, in your opinion, will be most effective.
#animal treatment
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“Steps for Specialists. Administrative Procedure”: results of the training programme
The comprehensive training program “Steps for Specialists. Administrative Procedure” developed and implemented by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme has come to an end. It gave us about 100 motivated representatives of municipalities and developed document templates for implementing the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Procedure” in the operation of local self-government.
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Join the training program "Steps for Specialists. Communication of local self-government bodies"
How does the availability of a communication strategy affect the quality of information and the level of trust of residents in the authorities? How to take into account the specifics of certain social groups that have emerged because of the war and build the right communication with them? The answers to these and many other questions are in the new U-LEAD initiative!
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Joint municipal companies: join forces to get results
Where should joint municipal companies start? How to become profitable and how to benefit the municipality? How to interact with the founders and what services should they offer to businesses? U-LEAD experts got together with the teams that established joint municipal companies with the support of the Programme to answer these questions.
#municipal property
#training programmes
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U-LEAD will teach municipalities to develop and use public budgets
For five months, 16 teams from 10 oblasts of Ukraine will work on the implementation of the public budget in their municipalities. U-LEAD experts will help them with everything from the development of a package of documents to the selection of competition winners.
#local budgets
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"Building sustainable municipalities — what does it take?"
U-LEAD with Europe is honored to invite you to join our practical discussion on "Building sustainable municipalities". Let's rebuild Ukraine and make it prosperous — together!
#international cooperation
#intermunicipal cooperation
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Training Program "Steps for specialists. Implementation of the control and audit system in municipalities"
Do you want to minimize management risks? Protect resources from loss or misuse? To achieve the mission and development goals of the municipality in the most economical, efficient, and effective way?
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Join the Training Program “Steps for Specialists. Arranging Social Services in Municipalities”
Complete this online training course and learn how to properly arrange and provide social services to your population.
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1,500 participants study the rules of ethical behavior for work as Local self-government
The educational project is implemented by the RMTeam with the comprehensive support provided by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and in partnership with the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.
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New grants from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation: additional opportunities for municipalities in 2024
U-LEAD, together with the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, opens a new grant season and opportunities for project activities to the municipalities of Ukraine for their local self-government bodies.
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Communal property management: U-LEAD announces enrollment for the new Training Program
Make the work on communal property management more efficient in your local self-government body and establish cooperation with colleagues from other oblasts! The new U-LEAD with Europe Training Program will help you.
#steps for specialists
#municipal property
#training programmes
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the new Training program «Development and implementation of local budget»
We are announcing a new initiative, thanks to which financial specialists of communities will learn how to implement and effectively use local budgets.
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#local budgets
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Pro.Communities: a safe educational environment
Report on a large-scale project that brought together almost 8000 educators, allowing 250,000 children to study in safer educational institutions.
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Municipal Energy Plan: Necessity and challenges
The Experience Sharing Network on the development of municipal energy plans has been completed. The municipalities, together with U-LEAD experts, summarised the results and discussed the improvement of the methodology of the Ministry of Infrastructure.
#energy security
#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD assists municipal financial authorities in budgeting for 2024
This article provides our experts with practical recommendations for solving the most frequently asked problems by the participants of the training programme "Steps for Specialists. Formation and Approval of the Local Budget for 2024".
#local budgets
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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The training cycle of the “Steps for Specialists. Designing a Municipal Development Strategy” is complete
For seven months, teams of 70 municipalities from all over Ukraine worked on designing development strategies. In this, they were supported by U-LEAD experts.
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#training programmes
#development strategy
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“An internship in Poland provided insight into the changes in Ukraine after the acquisition of EU membership”
Anna Lutsenko, a representative of the Novyi Buh municipality, was selected for an internship in Poland, where she studied the Polish experience of transformations, division of responsibilities in municipalities and environmental protection.
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U-LEAD invites for participation in the educational programme “Steps for specialists. Administrative procedure”
On January 16, 2024, a new initiative from U-LEAD will start. Is is designed to help hundred of local self-government officials deepen their understanding of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure", as well as to develop their skills and abilities.
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Successes of the municipalities of Poltava Oblast in attracting investments
How to attract international investments to the municipality? In Poltava Oblast, specialists of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme teach this, and all 60 municipalities of the region are encouraged to cooperate. And the municipalities of Karliv and Nekhvoroshcha on a competitive basis won the opportunity to study at the program "Steps for specialists. Project cycle management".
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#steps for specialists
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The Bilenkiv municipality is engaged in the education of eco-conscious citizens
Despite the war, they care about the environment here and teach citizens to handle garbage with responsibility. The last bright promotion is a fashion show of clothes made from recycled materials.
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Female Leadership School: Lectures, mentoring consultations and meetings to share experiences for municipality leaders
A project is launched, the participants of which are women who learn to support women in their municipalities, fight gender inequality and develop their own leadership.
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#woman's leadership
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How to appropriate abandoned property into municipal ownership: the possibilities of the Experience Exchange Network
The opportunities and support that municipalities will receive thanks to the participation of the Experience Exchange Network (Supporter Program) “Abandoned Property Management” were discussed during a promotional event at the base of the Vinnytsia regional office of the U-LEAD Programme.
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Completion and results of the Programme “Steps for Specialists. Interaction of Local Self-Government Bodies and Volunteer Associations”
At the final event of the training programme, the experts summed up the results, and the participants of the initiative shared the development of volunteer spaces in their municipalities.
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Experience Sharing Network “Creating a Plan for Communication of Changes in the Municipality” had its final event.
U-LEAD’s initiative helped 48 municipalities develop effective communication tools and create plans for communication of changes.
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U-LEAD invites you to join the new Experience Exchange Network “Abandoned Property Management”
Organize the work of your local council in the field of identification, accounting and acquisition into municipal ownership of abandoned property.
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October 17 – final event “Hromada 4.0” acceleration program
On 17 October 2023, the participating municipalities will present digital solutions for improving municipal management, increasing cyber security, and business development.
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9 steps for project cycle managers in project teams
On the first seminar of the new training program from U-LEAD "Steps for specialists: Project cycle management-2023" and about the nine steps into which our experts divided it.
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#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the unique onboarding training program"Steps for Specialists. Entry to Professional Activity"
An intensive two-week program that contains answers to current questions of professional activity, is based on real cases and includes a theoretical and practical component
#steps for specialists
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U-LEAD invites applications for "Steps for Specialists. Project cycle management - 2023"
Learn to form a goal, tasks and results, plan a project budget and present it to potential donors! As part of this training program, you will be able to develop your project idea into a full-fledged project proposal.
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Communal property management in health care sphere: U-LEAD Programme announces call for applications for a new Municipal Experience Exchange Network (Support Program).
Joint communal non-profit enterprises: from the initiative to the start of effective work! Establish cooperation with other municipalities, create a joint utility non-profit enterprise for the development of your minicipalities! The new Support Program from "U-LEAD with Europe" will help you with this.
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#steps for specialists
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Communal property management in municipal development sphere: U-LEAD Programme announces call for applications for a new Municipal Experience Exchange Network (Support Program).
Joint communal enterprises: from the initiative to the start of effective work! Establish cooperation with other municipalities, create a joint utility enterprise for the development of your municipalities. The new Support Program from "U-LEAD with Europe" will help you with this.
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Active volunteer environments are a must in municipalities
Participants of U-LEAD’s training programme “Steps for Specialists. Interaction of Local Self-Government Bodies and Volunteer Associations” told why this interaction is so important, shared their impressions of the course and expressed gratitude to colleagues and organizers.
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First aid training
We invite municipality educators to participate in training on first aid for sudden cardiac arrest and life-threatening conditions.
#health care
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48 municipalities to develop municipal energy plans supported by U-LEAD experts
Follow our article to learn about the competitive selection to participate in the network for these plans' development, the winners and their opportunities from cooperation with U-LEAD.
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#energy security
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The second wave of the Experience Sharing Network “Development of Programmes for the Integration of IDPs into Municipalities” launched
Read more to find out about the opportunities provided by the Experience Sharing Network “Development of Programmes for the Integration of IDPs into Municipalities” and the benefits that municipalities will receive from the development of the IDP Integration Programme.
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#training programmes
#internally displaced persons
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U-LEAD helps municipalities stabilise budget processes in wartime
Over the course of six weeks, 100 employees of local financial bodies will learn how to manage municipal resources more effectively, analyse and identify reserves and propose steps to stabilise local budgets, and U-LEAD experts and the experience of other municipalities will help them in this.
#local budgets
#steps for specialists
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New “Steps for Specialists” launched to help build cooperation between authorities and volunteers
120 people from 19 oblasts of Ukraine were chosen to participate in the new training programme “Steps for Specialists. Cooperation between Local Self-Government and Volunteer Associations” implemented by U-LEAD. Over the course of six weeks, the participants will learn the tools of effective communication between local self-government bodies and volunteers, as well as develop the skills of their application in various contexts.
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Experience Sharing Network “Development of the Municipal Safe Environment Programme” has been launched
Over the course of four months, 24 municipalities, together with U-LEAD experts, will develop solutions for organising safe environments in their territories. This experience will become a road map for the implementation of safety measures for other municipalities.
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The training programme “Steps for Specialists. Municipal Property Management” has been launched
Over 6 weeks, its participants will receive relevant expertise on the management of municipal property of the municipality and learn about the peculiarities of this process under martial law and how to dispose of and use the municipal property effectively.
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U-LEAD invites to participate in a new initiative –Experience Exchange Network “Development of the Program for the Integration of IDPs into the Municipality”!
This Network is an opportunity to get expert support in learning the main approaches and methodology for developing IDPs integration programs, developing the skills of establishing interaction and coordinating efforts of all stakeholders, and especially in developing IDPs integration programs with due account of the municipality’s needs.
#internally displaced persons
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24 municipalities will exchange experience in creating a safe space
U-LEAD with Europe sincerely congratulates 24 municipalities-winners of the competitive selection for participation in the experience exchange network on creating a safe space.
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48 municipalities are working on creating effective internal control and audit systems
With the help of U-LEAD, finance teams are preparing documents that will meet all up-to-date budget legislation requirements.
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Development of Municipal Energy Plans: U-LEAD announces open call for the support programme.
From November 2024, the MEP will become a mandatory municipal document. U-LEAD offers support and expert guidance to municipalities selected in an open competition to develop this Plan. Municipalities will begin the development in June and present their MEPs at the national level in October.
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#energy security
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U-LEAD invites you to participate in the new Training program "Steps for Specialists. Budget stabilization plan"
Make more efficient spending of budget funds, improve your reactions to management challenges and establish cooperation with colleagues from other areas! The new U-LEAD with Europe Training Programme will help you.
#training programmes
#steps for specialists
#local budgets
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Interaction of LSGs and volunteers: enrolment to the new U-LEAD Training Program starts
Are there volunteer initiatives and associations in your municipality, but you don't know how to interact with them effectively? Do you want to improve cooperation with volunteers so that their activity continues after our Victory, but do not understand how to establish communication? Join the U-LEAD training program and build partnerships with volunteers!
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Training programme “Steps for Specialists. Staffing Issues in Local Self-Government under Martial Law” has been launched
Participants from 100 municipalities from all over Ukraine, selected on a competitive basis, will spend the next 8 weeks in comprehensive training.
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Updated initiative “Steps for Specialists. Designing a Municipal Development Strategy” is launched
U-LEAD is reviving the Municipal Development Strategy Programme, which was suspended due to the outbreak of full-scale war.
#training programmes
#development strategy
#steps for specialists
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Communal property management: U-LEAD announces enrollment for the new Training Programme
Make the work on communal property management more efficient in your local self-government body and establish cooperation with colleagues from other oblasts! The new U-LEAD with Europe Training Programme will help you.
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Expert support of municipalities in the development of a municipal energy plan — selection of participants has begun
U-LEAD is launching a four-month support program for municipalities that want to develop a quality Energy Plan with expert support.
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#energy security
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Safety Experience Sharing Network: presentation of the competitive selection
What is this Network and how to participate in it? What are the requirements for participants and what should they expect? Fill out the application for competitive selection by April 30 and show your results and achievements as early as September.
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Municipalities from six oblasts will be eligible for the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 programme
A large cross-border cooperation programme will finance their Environment and Healthcare projects with EU funding.
#international cooperation
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Invitation for local self-government officials: Experience Sharing Network “Development of the Municipal Safe Environment Programme”
Learn how to improve safety and pool resources to create an appropriately safe environment, who are safety stakeholders and what kind of impact ensuring a safe environment of the municipality can have on its social and economic development.
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48 municipalities joined the Network to learn proper communication
Participants are learning models of communication strategies and creating individual plans.
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"IDPs - are our people!" - online visit to Nekhvoroshcha
Visit a municipality that has a strategic approach to working with IDPs.
#internally displaced persons
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In 2022, 14 municipalities of the Zhytomyr oblast received almost EUR 1,000,000 in aid from U-LEAD
These were mainly packages with equipment and materials for stabilising the energy system and assisting in housing IDPs.
#training programmes
#local budgets
#emergency aid
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U-LEAD announces the selection among officials of local self-government bodies to participate in the experience exchange Network
The topic of the Network: Activities of working groups on the creation of internal control and audit systems in municipalities"
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The Programme “Steps for Specialists. Organising Work with IDPs – 2023” has been launched and is in full swing
Participants from the Vinnytsia oblast talk about their experiences.
#training programmes
#internally displaced persons
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Stage 2 of the training programme “Steps for Specialists. Mobility” has been launched
U-LEAD is committed to training municipalities in writing mobility-related project proposals.
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In 2022, the municipalities of the Chernihiv oblast received almost EUR 1 million in aid from U-LEAD
Equipment and materials to stabilise the energy infrastructure and assist in the housing of IDPs were the most expensive.
#training programmes
#local budgets
#emergency aid
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12 municipalities will improve their waste management systems
The project is part of the second stage of the training programme “Steps for Specialists”.
#waste management
#training programmes
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HR work in LSG: U-LEAD announces new recruitment for a new training program
Make work with personnel in your LSG more effective and establish cooperation with colleagues from other oblasts!
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U-LEAD announces selection for the training program in municipality communication
How are residents' protests and the absence of a communications specialist in the municipality connected? Why is a communication strategy no less important than a development strategy? What is a communication plan and how to make one? The participants of the Experience Sharing Network "Creating a communication plan for changes in the municipality" will learn about all this, and will also prepare their communication plan for changes in the community in practice.
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The time of digital changes: a new opportunity for digitalisation of Ukrainian municipalities
The international organization SocialBoost together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and under support of U-LEAD with Europe Programme is launching acceleration programme for municipalities which will help to develop and implement digital transformation projects.
#digital transformation
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Working with IDPs: U-LEAD announces new recruitment for Steps for Specialists
Make work with internally displaced persons in your municipality more effective and establish cooperation with colleagues from other fields! U-LEAD’s new training programme will help you with this.
#training programmes
#internally displaced persons
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11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is committed to its efforts to provide expert support to municipalities regarding project activities and assistance in attracting international funds for the recovery and development of territories in wartime.  Our experts are open to cooperation with municipalities and ready to provide assistance in the process of drawing up and submitting a project application.
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Organisation of the process of debris management in municipalities: first steps to be taken
U-LEAD with Europe Programme helps municipalities to overcome daily negative consequences of the aggression of the russian federation (rf). The issue of debris management requires special attention among many other consequences and challenges.
#waste management
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Invitation for municipalities: new methods of conflict resolution and strengthening of cohesion 
Participate in the project aimed at strengthening dialogue as an important tool of local self-government to take into account the needs of various groups of local residents, business representatives, public organisations, as well as internally displaced persons living in the municipality.
#community dialog
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Waste management in wartime: tips for municipalities (INFOGRAPHIC)
The war affected and changed the municipalities of Ukraine. Many Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes, which caused a change in the load on critical infrastructure in most municipalities. Municipal waste management is no exception.
#waste management
#internally displaced persons
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U-LEAD launched a new waste management training initiative
Waste management is an important direction for local self-government bodies. For municipalities, this issue is becoming more and more relevant every year, requiring the development of a high-quality waste management system at the local level.
#waste management
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Municipality teams began the Spatial Planning and Natural Resource Management training course from U-LEAD
Due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, many spheres of municipal life have suffered significant damage. The process of restoring and rebuilding territories requires huge financial investments, as well as relevant knowledge and skills from municipality representatives in this area.
#spatial planning
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The winning municipalities started training as part of the "Steps for Project Management Specialists" program
The educational program is designed to provide specialists of municipalities with basic knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of projects in the fields of education, culture, and social protection.
#training programmes
#project management
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U-LEAD launches training course “Steps for project managers”
On September 20, a new initiative of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme was launched, the training course “Steps for Project Managers”.
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A municipality in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is developing entrepreneurship with U-LEAD’s support
Throughout the year, small businesses in Zelenodolsk municipality were building their capacity at the meetings and workshops. These events were part of the municipality’s project “Developing Entrepreneurship in the Zelenodolsk Municipality”.
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Chernihiv Oblast municipal starostas complete U-LEAD training cycle
Municipal starostas are responsible for establishing sustainable communication and lobbying district interests at a municipality level, which is an essential component of working with the local residents. How can this be done effectively? What are the existing successful practices and what steps need to be taken for the starostas to grow professionally?
#Steps for Starostas
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