Project activities of educators: opportunities, challenges and success stories
Project activities of educators: opportunities, challenges and success stories

Date: 26.07.2024

Author: Oksana Stelmakh

Photo: "Freepik"

The participants of the U-LEAD info session learned how project activities affect the life of the school and the municipality. At the event, educators received guidance from project management experts, were motivated by the experience of their colleagues and learned about current grant competitions.

On Wednesday, July 24, the U-LEAD team of experts from the Working Group on Education organised an info session on “Possibilities for the Development in Education Using Project Management Tools in the Municipality”. The event brought together educators and project cycle experts to share experience and knowledge. The participants were able to learn about the practical aspects of writing grant applications and the requirements of donors.

According to Tetiana Bordiuh, Head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, it is currently crucial for educators to focus on practical skills that will help them attract additional funds for schools.

“We are yet to discuss project activities in education. In addition to acquiring new knowledge, it also helps in acquiring practical skills to attract additional funds.”

U-LEAD expert on education Serhii Diatlenko noted:

“The mission of project management in schools is not to purchase equipment or replace windows or doors. Project activities should increase the educational capacity of the institution, promote the professional development of educators and teach children the practical application of theoretical knowledge.”

A key feature of the projects, as he emphasised, is that no one can force the school, educators, students, parents or founders of the institution to participate in the implementation of the initiatives:

“The project should be managed by someone who is motivated and passionate about it.”

Naturally, it is essential to involve high school students on a voluntary basis. They are more creative, motivated to change, are yet to face negative experiences and are not afraid to make mistakes. Young people are also well-versed in modern technology and more fluent in English, which is important as well.

The expert also provided guidance on the use of project management tools such as public participation budgets and grants.

U-LEAD project cycle management experts Oleh Kulinich and Petro Hotsaliuk shared their advice on implementing successful projects. Firstly, the project should be integrated into the municipal development strategy and provide an outlook for the future. Secondly, there should be staff, i.e. those who will implement the project, and the target audience, i.e. those who the project is targeting. Thirdly, communications and partnerships are very important.

Implementing projects in municipalities’ schools is wrought with a number of challenges, including the need to attract funding and support from local authorities. However, as experts emphasise, projects can be successfully implemented subject to partnering up with businesses and NGOs.

“Strategic planning and involvement of participants in the educational process are key elements of a successful project,” said Petro Hotsaliuk.

Oleh Kulinich introduced the participants to the criteria for evaluating grant applications. These include, among other things, the capacity of the applicant, its experience in the project field, its grant history, CVs and experience of key performers, as well as whether there are any partners (including foreign ones):

“The project application must fit the conditions of the competition. The project must have a social and economic effect, a tangible high-quality budget and a long-term impact.”

Representatives of the Khmelnytskyi and Volyn Oblasts shared their experiences of implementing projects in educational institutions.

Yuliia Stepaniuk, Principal of the Zymne Lyceum, Volyn Oblast, spoke about her educational institution’s participation in competitions and attracting funding in order to improve the infrastructure, introduce electronic document management, etc.

Svitlana Harbaruk, Deputy Principal of Educational Activities at the Krupets Lyceum, IT and Arts Teacher, presented the activities of the culinary co-working space, which became an important project for the educational institution. Over the course of two years, this initiative brought about new ideas and rallied the municipality around it, helping IDPs to integrate.

The lyceum received a grant of EUR 4,000 used to equip a DIY workshop with modern kitchen appliances. At first, it was to enhance the DIY lessons, but then they got creative. In the culinary co-working space, people now research local traditional dishes and hold integrated English, drawing and biology lessons. Students studied practical aspects of marketing and entrepreneurship by implementing the Flavour of Care Project. Furthermore, they managed to attract another project and purchase an industrial dryer to prepare dry borschts and soups for the Armed Forces.

“Both DIY lessons and technology are project activities. The students have grown in confidence and learned to use modern kitchen appliances; they are not afraid to experiment,” said Svitlana Harbaruk. Young people are now more proactive in events and charity fairs and initiate their own projects.

At the end of the info session, U-LEAD experts presented several current competitions and grants specific to education:

  • Visegrad+ Grant Competition
  • New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025
  • Competition “Career Opportunities for YOUNG People with Disabilities”
  • Grant Assistance for Human Security Projects “KUSANONE”.
How to register ownerless property?
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova explain what unclaimed property is and what local self-government bodies should do when they discover and identify unclaimed property.
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Allocation of costs to general production and administrative
How to allocate costs for the enterprise? Experts of the "U-LEAD with Europe" program, Iryna Drozd and Tetyana Larikova, answer this question in detail.
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Prompt updates from U-LEAD experts help educators prepare for the new school year
The school year 2024–2025 has — as is already tradition — begun in conditions of uncertainty, a difficult security situation and new requirements for the educational process. During August, more than 600 municipal officials learned about innovations, changes and other important things for an organised start of the new school year.
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Municipalities are working on the strategic environmental assessment for policy documents
Strategic environmental assessment of documents is a tool for implementing environmental policies. The municipalities, together with U-LEAD experts, explored the relevant legal framework and considered the issues that arise during the SEA procedure.
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Irpin Development Agency invites heads of municipalities and public activists to join the event
On September 12, the Agency will share its performance results and project management training techniques they have developed for city council employees and public activists.
#project management
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Cash assistance to employees of local self-government
Leave and summer holidays are usually associated with the payment of cash assistance. Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, answer the question of how to tax these payments.
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Looking out for the best interest of the child is the task of local self-government bodies
The experts of U-LEAD with Europe held an info session “Development of Alternative Formats of Family Upbringing in Municipalities” to present the powers of local self-government bodies in reforming the system of institutional care for children as well as other issues.
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Amendments to the Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” entered into force
The use of the state language at plenary sessions of councils and meetings of deputy commissions, their video recording, storage and publication of the videos, as well as regular updates of open data regarding municipal property rights. To clarify key provisions of the Law, U-LEAD held a series of open information events.
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Arranging the input and output of material assets ​​during the leave of the financially liable person
It’s vacation time, and U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova advise on formalising liability for the institution’s material assets if the financially liable person is on leave.
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U-LEAD forms a policy of integrity in education
As part of the House of Integrity Project, implemented by RMTeam International with the support of the «U-LEAD with Europe», an event was conducted dedicated to the formation of a virtuous (integrity) personality in education. Within the framework of this two-day event, two panel discussions were held. The participants of the event were well-known figures in the field of education, teachers and representatives of the public.
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Accounting of green plantings after initial recognition in budget institutions
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, continue to provide answers to urgent questions of employees of the accounting services of municipal budget institutions, including regarding the further accounting of green plantings after their initial recognition.
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The Rivne Oblast explored administrative service models
The Regional Office of U-LEAD in the Rivne Oblast, together with the Rivne Regional State Administration, held a dialogue event for the officials of village and settlement councils in order to improve the provision of administrative services in local municipalities to the greatest extent possible in the future.
#Administrative Service Center
#study visit
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Municipality of Koniatyn: when projects become a resource for development
The project approach is not a genie. If implemented systemically, however, it can do wonders. This is proven by the experience of the municipality in the Bukovyna region, where each local self-government official is also partly a project manager. They shared their success cases with their colleagues at the experience exchange event.
#project management
#study visit
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Return of medium-term budget planning: municipalities’ financial managers received support from U-LEAD experts
More than 660 municipal officials learned about preparation for medium-term planning of local budgets for 2025–2027 and received guidance and advice from experts. They talked about the formation of the local budget forecasts and how to organise this process using the LOGICA Information and Analytical System.
#local budgets
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How do municipalities develop “political will” to combat corruption? Study conclusions
U-LEAD’s external expert has analysed how local authorities manage to initiate and maintain meaningful anti-corruption efforts. This article examines the processes in six regions of Ukraine that showcase sustainable reform efforts between 2014 and 2021, as well as offers three recommendations for international and local political actors seeking to support reforms.
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How to prevent conflict of interest in municipalities?
Employees of local self-government bodies exercising their powers may give rise to a conflict of interest. This most often occurs due to a lack of knowledge of the integrity policy legislation. U-LEAD organised an event to clarify the legal framework and its practical application.
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Reasons why joint utility companies do not work out
The U-LEAD adviser explained to municipalities the advantages of creating a joint municipal company (JMC), as well as the reasons why this journey has become long and fraught with difficulties for a significant number of municipalities.
#intermunicipal cooperation
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How can local self-government ensure the sustainability of the municipality?
U-LEAD experts train local self-government officials in an integrated approach, harmonising various structures and action plans, risk calculation and other indicators of the resilience of critical infrastructure.
#energy security
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A municipality in the Zhytomyr Oblast creates a volunteer fire brigade
The volunteer civil defence movement is gaining traction in the Kurne municipality. They set up a public organisation, had their volunteers trained in Poland and have been waiting for the vehicle. The story began with a study visit to the municipalities of the Rivne Oblast, which was organised by U-LEAD with Europe last year.
#volunteer fire brigades
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U-LEAD and the Department of Inspection in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast talked about occupational health and safety
Municipal officials learned about the main aspects of the implementation of national employment policy under martial law: employment laws, occupational health and psychosocial assistance at the workplace.
#working issues
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Barrier-free environment in municipalities: from communication to universal design of spaces and services
The U-LEARN platform launched the support programme “Creating an Institution for Barrier-Free Access in Municipalities”. At the first seminar, U-LEAD experts talked about the basic principles and legal framework for creating a barrier-free environment in Ukraine.
#training programmes
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Initial accounting of green plantings in budget institutions
Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova, continue to offer their advice. This time, they gave a number of recommendations to budget institutions regarding the initial accounting of green plantings.
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The Donetsk Oblast figures out how to keep military records
U-LEAD experts continue to clarify the powers of local self-government bodies under martial law. Together with the municipalities of the Donetsk Oblast, they analysed the specifics of the implementation of the military record-keeping system, the deadlines for entering employees into the lists and the persons responsible.
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Who is responsible for supporting veterans and their families in the municipality?
In response to the request of local self-government bodies, U-LEAD experts have developed a series of info sessions to help municipalities organise proper work with veterans and support their families.
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Specifics of inventory accounting and valuation
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova continue to provide advisory support. This time they responded to a number of questions on inventory accounting and valuation in budgetary institutions.
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Municipalities of the Vinnytsia Oblast presented best financial management practices of educational institutions
Municipalities of Murafa, Lypovets and Nemyriv exchanged their experiences regarding the introduction of financial autonomy of educational institutions, discussed financial management models and shared the advantages and challenges of both accounting formats.
#study visit
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The Kushuhum municipality set up a volunteer fire brigade in 23 hours
Organising local fire and rescue units is a task of local self-government. U-LEAD introduced local self-government officials to the theory and practice of establishing a local fire department.
#volunteer fire brigades
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Draft and military records: U-LEAD experts explained the powers and responsibilities of the local self-government officials to them
Defence and daft efforts, as well as keeping military records of citizens, fall under the scope of competence of state and local self-government bodies. Given the changes to the legislation and the extension of martial law in Ukraine, the role of local self-government in these processes is becoming increasingly important.
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Educators from the Khmelnytskyi Oblast shared their experiences of optimising schools and creating lyceums
The participants of the study visit observed the best practices of forming a network of lyceums in municipalities of various types and capabilities.
#study visit
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U-LEAD experts presented IPARD-III support directions to the local self-government official
This programme enables candidate countries for EU membership to prepare for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. The support covers the development of rural areas and the sustainable agricultural sector.
#development strategy
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The Volyn Oblast learned how to provide quality education
Together with the Office of the State Service of Education Quality in the Volyn Oblast, the Regional Office of U-LEAD held an info session for the local municipalities.
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Village club 2.0 or creative space: establishing a cultural services centre in a municipality
The reform of the cultural sector is among the least visible in wartime. Its key stage is currently underway, reforming the basic network of cultural institutions at the municipal level and forming cultural service centres. U-LEAD experts and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy explain what difficulties municipalities face and how to overcome them.
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Simple digital security rules for local self-government bodies
If you use a smartphone or computer, you open yourself up to digital dangers. U-LEAD experts explain how to protect personal data, avoid falling victim to cyber fraud and why anything free on the Internet is a potential threat.
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Municipalities can create institutions to provide primary legal aid for free
Local self-government bodies provide their residents with a wide range of administrative, social and other services. Free primary legal aid is also part of their mandate.
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Recommendations to municipal institutions: accounting of fixed assets
U-LEAD experts Iryna Drozd and Tetiana Larikova continue to provide consulting support. This time, they discussed the net book value of fixed assets, periods of useful life and accounting of land plots.
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How to organise accounting in municipal budgetary?
U-LEAD experts clarify cases that require the creation of a centralised accounting service and how it should be better organised, as well as explain the duties of administrators of budget funds.
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Taxing hospitality: who, where and how should control the tourist tax
According to municipal officials, the tourist tax is yet to become a development tax. U-LEAD experts held discussions to work out under what conditions the tourism industry would generate income and municipalities would reach their full potential.
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The Kirovohrad Oblast shared best practices for providing educational, medical, social and cultural services
U-LEAD with Europe organised a study visit for representatives of municipalities of the Mykolaiv and Kherson Oblasts, who learned about best wartime practices of providing educational, healthcare, social and cultural services in the Kirovohrad Oblast for three days.
#intermunicipal cooperation
#study visit
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The Rivne Oblast shared its experience of financial autonomy of educational institutions
During three days, municipal officials from the Volyn, Lviv and Ternopil Oblasts learned about the experience of municipalities of the Rivne Oblast in implementing financial autonomy of educational institutions as part of a visit organised by U-LEAD.
#intermunicipal cooperation
#study visit
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Why are the numbers 35 and 24 so important for educators in 2024?
The U-LEAD expert explained the key points that must be taken into account at the end of the academic year in schools and went over cases when the rule of “24 students per homeroom” applies, why it is important to study for 35 weeks and how to keep educational damage to a minimum.
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Mine action of local self-government: securing, informing, promoting humanitarian demining
Since the outset of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, almost 28,500 civilians have been injured from landmines and explosive ordnance. Pursuant to Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine “On Mine Action”, the actions or inaction of local self-government bodies may be challenged in court as prescribed by law. What are the powers and duties of local self-government regarding mine action? How can municipalities protect their children and adults? Read more below.
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Procedure and grounds for the local self-government to contract volunteers
For municipalities, volunteering is still both a new and critical direction. That is why U-LEAD keeps organising relevant events for local self-government officials and inviting experts to provide clarifications.
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What is regulated by the Law “On Access to Public Information” for local self-government bodies
Public information and free access to it are among the fundamental principles of a democratic society and European approaches to relations between the authorities and the public. However, not all information available to the local self-government is open. And public information does not always mean open. Read more about the difference in our article.
#public information
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Passing inspections in wartime
Revision, audit and monitoring of procurements: representatives of the municipalities of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast learned how to smoothly pass inspections by regulatory bodies.
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Safety Commissions: creation and operation
To ensure an adequate level of civil protection, municipalities create special Commissions on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergency Response. U-LEAD experts provided clarification on the creation of the Commissions, explored their main powers and analysed their financing mechanisms.
#safety in municipality
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Municipalities of the Lviv Oblast shared their experience of developing rural areas
Municipalities of the Lviv Oblast prioritise the support of rural areas, engage their capacities and attract additional resources. These practical cases can be useful for other municipalities that seek to work with this type of territories on a systemic level.
#intermunicipal cooperation
#study visit
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Use of property of non-working educational institutions in rural areas: what do you need to know?
If the property of a non-working general secondary education institution cannot be used for the needs of education, social protection, culture, sports or health care, municipalities have the opportunity to use it for other needs. Such actions are provided for by law, but subject to compliance with a number of conditions
#municipal property
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Modern technologies and soft skills: The mountain municipality is building a safe environment
It took more than a year in the mountain municipality in the Kyiv oblast to reach today’s understanding of a safe environment. They started by understanding the threats and how to prevent them. Then, it became a matter of technique and motivation, strategic vision, studying the experience of other municipalities, and developing their own approaches.
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Local history, salt and oil: How municipal enterprises promote tourism in Lviv Oblast
Cuisine, history, art, entertainment and recreation are major tourist magnets. But in order to make them tourist attractions and generate revenue for the municipality, it is necessary to develop a strategy integrating services, logistics and marketing.
#municipal property
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The Ovruch municipality relies on project activities
To create a project management sector — this decision was made by the municipality of Ovruch which joined U-LEAD’s support programme “Creating a Project Office in the Municipality”.
#project management
#training programmes
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Provide support and assistance: Local self-government authorities to implement veteran policy
Developing a comprehensive approach to support veterans and their families, creating a high-quality veteran policy, as well as arranging systematic work to provide services to veterans and their families at the appropriate level are the tasks that require significant human, financial and organisational resources from local self-government bodies. U-LEAD experts explained how to effectively implement this policy in the municipality.
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U-LEAD launches a support programme for the creation of lyceums in municipalities
In April and May, teams from 20 municipalities representing 13 oblast of Ukraine will participate in the support programme “Establishing a lyceum in the municipality”. U-LEAD experts will help the participants grasp the necessary and sufficient conditions for the establishment of a lyceum in the municipality and prepare the documents required to enable its proper operation.
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U-LEAD explains the benefits of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy to local self-government bodies
U-LEAD continues a series of info sessions in cooperation with the EU project “Institutional Policy Reform for Smallholder Agriculture” (IPRSA). The latest session focused on rural development and the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.
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The war amplified the role of a starosta
At the relevant info session, heads of U-LEAD offices, experts, heads of municipalities and starostas discussed how the role of starostas had been amplified after the outset of the full-scale war, defined the powers of starostas under martial law and highlighted the municipal services encoded in their job duties.
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Quality medical services in rural areas: experience of the Polytsi municipality
A municipality from the Rivne Oblast created its own Primary Healthcare Centre, even though according to experts’ recommendations, small rural municipalities are incapable of creating such facilities. They received assistance from experts from the local Regional Office of U-LEAD. The Centre already has several support packages from the National Health Service of Ukraine and is now self-sufficient.
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Oksana Siliukova on internal communication in wartime: Timely communication is critical
Communication in wartime is all about security and providing the population with timely updates. Today, communication is not entertainment but a basic need, which often affects the safety and even the lives of the residents of municipalities. The head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD in the Kherson Oblast spoke about this in detail and shared her experience.
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U-LEAD provided Ukrainian municipalities with school buses
The full-scale war took a toll on our schools and educational logistics. To address this need, U-LEAD was able to purchase school buses for seven municipalities with donor funds.
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Project office: What is it supposed to be like?
What is a project office, and what is the purpose for municipalities to create it? What is it supposed to look like and which functions can it perform? Each municipality decides on the format and functions of this structure individually, depending on the resources, ambitions and needs.
#project management
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Financial autonomy of educational institutions in the Zoria municipality
Financial autonomy in education can follow two different approaches: either each institution introduces the position of an accountant, or the municipality creates a special municipal institution that serves all educational institutions. The Zoria municipality, Rivne Oblast, chose the second option and shared its success story with other municipalities in the oblast at an experience exchange event held with the support of U-LEAD.
#intermunicipal cooperation
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Why local authorities should support rural development: EU legislation and best practices
Rural areas make up more than 70% of the entire area of Ukraine. Their prosperity and development should be a priority for local authorities. One of the Wednesdays with U-LEAD events covered rural development standards in effect in the European Union and how local authorities and the state can benefit from them.
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Voluntary civil defence units as an effective security tool
In the context of martial law, the local self-governments seek new opportunities to improve security. It is possible for municipalities to create VCDUs to assist other services. U-LEAD experts explain the way to do this.
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Changes in the Medical Guarantee Programme and how to use them for the benefit of patients and hospitals
U-LEAD experts told the participants of the info session about the expansion of the Medical Guarantee Programme and changes in the financing of services, the inspection of healthcare facilities by the National Health Service and the improvement of services for patients.
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Changes in the legislation on humanitarian aid: who is affected and how to proceed?
U-LEAD experts informed representatives of local self-government about important changes in the legislation regarding humanitarian and charitable aid, its import, accounting and use.
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Filing declarations for employees of local self-government in 2024: deadlines, requirements and clarification
The declaration campaign for the 2023 reporting period is open until 31 March 2024. Income declarations must be submitted by local government employees, members of local councils and other declaration filers.
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Hospital CEO appointment: from competition announcement to contract signing
The U-LEAD experts explained to the representatives of municipalities the algorithm of holding a competition for the position of the healthcare facility CEO and clarified the issue of part-time work and competition procedures during the martial law period.
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It is not possible for municipalities to support IDPs solely by providing humanitarian aid
The Ministry of Social Policy has reported that in the third year of the full-scale war, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine hit almost 4.9 million people. Half of these people have no place to return to. The safer municipalities hosting these millions now face challenges. Nevertheless, mechanisms and tools exist to ensure that IDPs integrate into the municipality, becoming its “growth point”.
#internally displaced persons
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Cross-border cooperation projects for rural areas: seeking for partners and specifics of applications
The development of rural areas is a priority task for local self-government. Today, cross-border cooperation opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian municipalities.
#international cooperation
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The Ladan municipality and its bold and well-timed decisions
The story of the formation and development of a small but very ambitious and capable municipality that offers much to be learnt.
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Public budget: plan for development and relieving social tension
U-LEAD seeks to increase the level of citizen involvement in the budget process. One of the instruments of such involvement is the public budget.
#local budgets
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Local self-government employees must declare property located in the temporarily occupied territories
According to the updated Clarifications of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, the declaration filer must include in the declaration information about any real estate belonging to them and their family members, including any real estate located in the temporarily occupied territories.
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Municipalities must assess the budget programme performance despite martial law
From 24 February 2022, the primary administrators of local budget funds operate under martial law. Despite this, the law requires an assessment of the performance of the previous year’s budget programmes and providing its results to local financial authorities.
#local budgets
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The Impact of a Full-Scale Invasion on Education: A Study
Together with its partners, U-LEAD explored the impact that the full-scale war had on Ukraine’s education. According to the study, students experience much higher stress levels and are significantly less happy than their parents believe, and educators report a decline in academic performance across the board.
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12 schools were reconstructed in Ukraine at the initiative of U-LEAD and the Smilyvi Charitable Foundation
These schools in the cities, towns and villages of the Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Kyiv Oblasts were directly affected by Russia’s invasion or occupation. The organisers sought to rebuild them even better than they were before the war.
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U-LEAD and BRAVE restored Balakliya Lyceum in Kharkiv Region
U-LEAD with Europe in cooperation with the Charitable Fund Brave and with the financial support of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments of the European Commission, rebuilt Balakliya Lyceum No. 5.
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The Zoria municipality, Rivne Oblast, introduced financial autonomy in education
Financial autonomy in education can follow two different approaches: either each institution introduces the position of an accountant, or the municipality creates a special municipal institution that serves all educational institutions. The Zoria municipality in the Rivne Oblast chose the second option and shared its success.
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Three steps to food security in municipalities
In wartime, food self-sufficiency becomes a key issue for municipalities. This is relevant to both front-line territories and nominally rear regions. Ihor Ahibalov, Head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in the Luhansk Oblast, talked about this in detail.
#food security
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Pro.Communities: a safe educational environment
Report on a large-scale project that brought together almost 8000 educators, allowing 250,000 children to study in safer educational institutions.
#training programmes
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Paid social services: Who should pay, what services are provided on a paid basis and how much do they cost?
Since 2020, the provision of social services has been transferred to the municipal level. Reasonably, the question of funds for payment of these services for certain categories of recipients arose. U-LEAD experts clarified the cases when social services may be provided on a paid basis and how their differentiated fees are calculated.
#social services
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Despite the war, decisions on local budgets for 2024 are subject to mandatory publication!
What must be made public in terms of budget documents under martial law? When and where should the decision on the budget 2024 be made public? What to do if the municipality has lost access to its Internet resources, what are the alternative information platforms for publishing the decision?
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Municipal Energy Plan: Necessity and challenges
The Experience Sharing Network on the development of municipal energy plans has been completed. The municipalities, together with U-LEAD experts, summarised the results and discussed the improvement of the methodology of the Ministry of Infrastructure.
#energy security
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Development of transparent processes and prevention of corruption risks in healthcare facilities
How to ensure transparent functioning of your hospital and what deserves special attention during anti-corruption changes — answers to these questions in analytical material from U-LEAD experts.
#health care
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U-LEAD assists municipal financial authorities in budgeting for 2024
This article provides our experts with practical recommendations for solving the most frequently asked problems by the participants of the training programme "Steps for Specialists. Formation and Approval of the Local Budget for 2024".
#local budgets
#steps for specialists
#training programmes
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Municipalities should have “educational environment safety managers”
Educational environment safety managers in the local self-government: who are they and what are their functions? To explain the purpose of introducing this position, U-LEAD organised an event for Ukrainian municipalities together with the Department of Juvenile Prevention of the National Police of Ukraine.
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Small schools in municipalities: threats and manipulations, chances and opportunities
Is the quality of education in the village always inadequate? Can a small educational institution be turned successful and useful to the municipality?
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Expert: Municipalities can allocate the free balance of the budget only to certain directions
The President of Ukraine signed Law No. 3428-IX “On Amendments to Section VI of the Budget Code of Ukraine on Ensuring the Support of the State’s Defence Capabilities and the Development of the Defence and Industrial Complex of Ukraine” dated 8 November 2023. This Law lists directions for the municipalities to allocate free local budget balances under martial law.
#local budgets
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Energy projects in municipalities are long-term, complex, and demanding
For almost a year, the U-LEAD Program has been teaching municipalities how to implement energy security. At the final information sessions, the participants consolidated the skills of writing energy projects and submitting grant applications.
#energy security
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Interaction of local self-government with the volunteer community: pros, cons, pitfalls
Why is the volunteer movement popular and influential in some municipalities, while volunteer initiatives are barely noticeable in others? How can local self-government bodies find points of contact for effective cooperation with volunteer groups?
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How do dairy farming and public pastures shape food security?
U-LEAD has organised several events on this topic to improve the competence of municipalities in dairy farming. At these events, experts explained how this industry affects food security and the local economy.
#food security
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Municipalities of the Poltava Oblast learn about the measures that should be taken to ensure the safety of participants in the educational process
What are the requirements for arranging a safe space in educational institutions, and which premises cannot be used as a bomb shelter? Experts of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Poltava Oblast provided appropriate clarifications to the municipalities of the Poltava Oblast. The event was supported by U-LEAD.
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Four new Digital Learning Centres “Beehive” (“Vulyk”) started their work in test mode in the Kharkiv region
The U-LEAD initiative envisages the creation of 25 DLCs in the Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions to improve access to digital education.
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Teacher appraisals: details of the procedure
How exactly to carry out the appraisals of teaching staff in 2023/2024? What are the procedures for the scheduled appraisal as well as extraordinary appraisals initiated by the employee/manager? U-LEAD’s expert answers these questions.
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Organisation of municipality-based mental health and rehabilitation service provision
This analytical material is devoted to the need and methods of mental health monitoring, finding and providing help.
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Dismissal from the local self-government bodies under martial law
U-LEAD adviser clarifies the powers of employers, the rights of employees and the general provisions under which employment can be terminated in local self-government bodies.
#working issues
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Diagnostics of the local taxation system in Ukraine: analytical results
This extensive analytical report by our experts looks for ways to strengthen the financial capacity of local self-government bodies.
#local budgets
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On forms and modes for organising the educational process in general secondary education institutions for the 2023/2024 academic year
Discover the full range of education options for your children in an analysis from a national education expert.
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Can the municipality finance the needs of the military at the expense of local budgets? U-LEAD clarifies
At the event for Cherkasy municipalities, a hot topic was discussed: solving financial issues under martial law. The participants familiarized themselves with changes in the legislation in the spheres of financial and budgetary relations of the local government, worked out urgent issues of the implementation of the powers of the local government and discussed the powers to finance the needs of the military at the expense of local budgets.
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More than 300 municipal agricultural enterprises were created in the municipalities to increase food security
Unfortunately, as a rule, they cannot take advantage of grants from the state, and this situation needs to change. It is also necessary to develop small businesses in order to process the received raw materials into products.
#food security
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An employee of a local self-government body is a blood donor: how not to violate their rights?
U-LEAD experts provided clarification on donor guarantees to employees of local self-government bodies who voluntarily donate blood and its components. These include an additional day of rest and leave on the day of examination and donation. What to do if the employee must be present at the workplace on the day of blood donation?
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Capacity of mid-level medical practitioners in Ukraine is underutilised
U-LEAD experts held an information session where they compared the qualifications and duties of Ukrainian nurses with their colleagues from Poland and Finland.
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U-LEAD teach municipality representatives to build internal and external communication
“U-LEAD with Europe” continue to work with municipalities over a quality communication system. For this purpose, a series of educational events called “Interaction for Changes” was launched.
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Mental health care as an essential element of the medical system in municipalities
Discover how mental health affects economic performance, why it is crucial for municipalities to establish a mental health care system for their residents, what future benefits are expected, and the principles to guide the process.
#health care
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U-LEAD expert: Forming a network of lyceums at the municipal level should be started as early as this summer
Networks of high school institutions should be completed by 1 September 2027. The participants of the info session “Municipal Educational Activities in the Summer” learned the necessary steps for the founders of municipal lyceums, forecasts and risks, as well as best practices.
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The Law No. 3050: Expert explains changes for local self-government bodies/military administrations on setting individual tax exemptions
The Law No. 3050 "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Exemption from Environmental Tax, Land Payment and Real Estate Tax Other Than a Land Plot for Destroyed or Damaged Real Estate" has recently come into force. What impact does it have on local self-government bodies and what are the new powers of municipalities?
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Developing a strategic environmental assessment: practical advice for municipalities
Why is a strategic environmental assessment of state planning documents such as municipal development strategies important? How has the recently-launched Unified National Environmental Impact Assessment Registry improved this procedure?
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Development of a medical care quality system in municipalities
Medical care in Ukraine cannot be called the best. In this material, our experts speak frankly about the non-recognition of medical errors and the risks of treatment. If the municipality wants to seriously improve the quality of its health services, how to properly evaluate this quality and what are the important stages on the way to its improvement?
#health care
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On the simplified procedure for local taxes and fees for the period of martial law
The participants of the information session, held by U-LEAD in partnership with the Southern Interregional Department of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, learned about the peculiarities of regulatory policy during the war, the possibility for local councils to adopt acts under a simplified procedure, as well as the pitfalls of such indulgences.
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Things to know about archives and the document nomenclature in 2023
The participants of the information session, held by U-LEAD in partnership with the State Archives of Mykolaiv Oblast, learned about the peculiarities of archival affairs and record keeping in municipalities.
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U-LEAD helps municipalities to understand public procurement for budget funds
Read our material about public procurement for budget funds, authorised persons and municipalities' work with experts from the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER).
#local budgets
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Land audit in municipalities by U-LEAD with Europe: sharing a step-by-step algorithm
Read about the audit, its meaning, importance and implementation tools in the material from U-LEAD experts.
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Facilitating IDP business relocation: economically empowered municipalities
This article is about the organisation of IDP business development work in municipalities and the benefits of such cooperation, opportunities for IDPs, as well as for municipal residents and war veterans to start their own businesses, as well as about government and international grant assistance in this process.
#internally displaced persons
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How to deal if a local government employee stayed in the temporarily occupied territory and was forced to obtain a Russian passport?
U-LEAD experts provided explanations on personnel issues related to the work of local self-government under occupation.
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What annual leave can a local self-government employee expect in 2023?
Participants of the U-LEAD information session learned about the rules for granting annual leave under martial law, restrictions, refusals, compensation and legislative regulation of this process. You can also find out!
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How to build an efficient system for management and implementation of EU funds – lessons from Poland
Read analytical material about the pre-accession for joining the EU in the fields of Decentralisation, Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments.
#international cooperation
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Social dormitories: How municipality may provide IDPs with housing
The participants of the informational session, organised by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, found out about the transformation of ordinary housing into social one and the conditions for internally displaced persons to receive it.
#internally displaced persons
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Role of Regional Departments of Health at the current stage of medical reform
Read our experts’ analytical article to find out more about the competencies, duties, functions, past and future of the Regional Departments of Health.
#health care
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New Guidelines from U-LEAD: accounting and reporting in municipalities
Programme experts have developed Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting in Municipalities for more efficient accounting and proper display of calculations in financial reporting.
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A U-LEAD expert answers questions about the duration of the educational process, returning students and grading them
Completion of the 2022-2023 academic year, grading students who studied in two different schools, how the final grades are calculated — read the article to find out about all this and more.
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Expert: Despite the war, municipalities must release public information as per the laws
Read more to learn about the balance between transparency and security, requirements for local self-government to release information under martial law and the use of the “three-fold test” in this process, as well as how the municipalities can determine whether to restrict access to the information.
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Practical advice for employers when using e-services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine
U-LEAD with Europe held an info session where the participants learned about the innovations of the e-services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and the features of the e-sick leave service, learned about typical errors when filling out e-documents and clarified how to settle sick leave.
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Municipalities can improve their energy efficiency now
Participants of the training course “Municipal Energy Security” learned about practical solutions, recommendations and trends of energy consumption.
#energy security
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The war affects education: What is the educational and psychological damage?
How to properly end the most difficult school year in our history, and should local self-government compensate children for lost opportunities?
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12 schools will be restored in three regions of Ukraine with the support of U-LEAD
As part of the U-LEAD’s initiative “Local School Rehabilitation for Resilience”, 12 war-affected municipalities in Chernihiv, Kyiv and Kharkiv regions will receive funding for the restoration of local school systems from the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) of the European Commission.
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U-LEAD launched a new communication format between the National Health Service of Ukraine and the founders of healthcare facilities
The participants of the “Dialogues with the National Health Service of Ukraine” discussed the further stages of the transformation of the health care system, the functioning of healthcare facilities and the provision of services in the conditions of a full-scale war.
#health care
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Evacuation of the population: municipalities must have a set of documents ready
Read an interview with a member of the U-LEAD Working Group on Civil Protection and Public Safety about the requirements to the local self-government bodies for the arrangement of evacuation measures.
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Introduction of the minimum tax liability will increase revenues to municipal budgets
U-LEAD adviser explains how the new Law No. 1914 affects the Tax Code, changes for agricultural land tenants and how to pay the minimum tax liability correctly.
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Accounting for humanitarian aid in relocated municipalities
Ihor Ahibalov talks about the lack of a legal framework and regulations to be followed when receiving and distributing humanitarian aid.
#international support
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Organising a network of cultural centres: from the basic to the highest levels
U-LEAD taught the officials of the local self-government of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast how to establish a network of this kind of institutions, multitasking and seeking funding in wartime.
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Municipalities need to introduce the teacher certification procedure
U-LEAD experts help municipalities develop modern approaches and methods for improving the system of educational services.
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Why do municipalities need energy policies?
A series of educational and advisory events on energy security continues.
#energy security
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Protecting workers and preventing fines
These are the tasks set by the State Labour Service for municipalities in March.
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How can local self-government bodies use information from electronic data posted on the website of the National Health Service of Ukraine?
This is required during strategic planning and operational decision-making in health care.
#health care
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How can a municipality form its energy security policy?
U-LEAD talks about infrastructure modernisation and launching the municipality’s own energy generation.
#energy security
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Certification of local self-government officials under martial law
U-LEAD experts discussed its procedure.
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With U-LEAD’s support, municipal officials are changing their approach to landscaping
Solidarity of residents, new jobs, ensuring comfortable and safe living in the locality. These are the results of quality management of landscaping in a municipality.
#land improvements
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Municipalities must work on forming food reserves in cooperation with military administrations
Creating these reserves is a new challenge of martial law, a special period for local self-government and public authorities.
#food safety
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Nine communication tools for working with internally displaced persons
Communication is an important aspect of the social integration of IDPs into community life. To help with building it, U-LEAD held a series of events and engaged experts for clarification.
#internally displaced persons
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Business Support Centres explained by U-LEAD
The Programme helps municipalities understand the main steps for setting them up.
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Assessing the effectiveness of budget programmes: procedure during martial law
This topic was discussed at the event “Implementation of Passports of Budget Programmes: Reporting and Performance Assessment” held by U-LEAD for the municipalities of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava and Cherkasy oblasts.
#local budgets
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A series of educational and advisory events on energy security in municipalities launched
Experts will help analyse their energy potential, determine goals for increasing the level of energy security and navigate the expediency of renewable energy projects.
#energy security
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Advantages of decentralisation: most municipalities of Luhansk oblast have resumed educational process
Twenty municipalities of the Luhansk oblast received educational subventions and continue to provide educational services, despite the war and the temporary occupation of part of the region. This became possible thanks to the relocation of local self-government to safer regions of the country and the opportunities provided by the decentralisation of power.
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U-LEAD experts explain what to do if you lose your passport, driver’s license and other identification documents
Due to war and other extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances, everyone can lose their ID.
#document management
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U-LEAD experts clarified financing healthcare facilities in 2023 to municipal professionals
How to ensure the financial stability of a health care institution? What should be the financial plan and what is necessary for profitability?
#health care
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Organisation of the process of debris management in municipalities: first steps to be taken
U-LEAD with Europe Programme helps municipalities to overcome daily negative consequences of the aggression of the russian federation (rf). The issue of debris management requires special attention among many other consequences and challenges.
#waste management
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Updates in the Regulation of Land Relations — Explained by U-LEAD Experts
The new law, among other things, restores land auctions for the transfer of agricultural land plots for use and partially restores the possibility of free privatisation for real estate owners.
#land reform
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«Vision Zero» concept helps minimize the number of road accidents in municipalities
In this material, we explain a simple algorithm for analyzing the safety situation on the roads of your municipality. We also provide a list of means that will help improve traffic safety.
#road safety
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How can municipalities recover documents lost due to the war?
U-LEAD experts answer this question.
#document management
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Municipal professionals from the Odesa and Zaporizhzhia oblasts learn best food security practices from their neighbours
U-LEAD experts help them develop programmes to increase resilience and self-sufficiency in wartime.
#food security
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Municipalities can turn abandoned properties into business spaces
U-LEAD experts prove the necessity of such transformations and analyse successful cases.
#internally displaced persons
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With the support of U-LEAD, four municipalities of the Prykarpattia region signed an inter-municipal cooperation agreement
The municipalities of Halych, Bilshivtsi, Burshtyn and Dubivtsi will jointly finance the Inclusive Resource Centre.
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U-LEAD teaches financial autonomy to municipal educational institutions
An info session on this was held for the municipalities of the Kharkiv region. Accounting for autonomous educational institutions and the peculiarities of labour relations with employees of educational institutions under martial law were also discussed.
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U-LEAD experts help municipalities develop food security programmes
The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is committed to providing comprehensive help to municipalities to overcome the challenges caused by the war.
#food security
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Municipalities of Zakarpattia are promoting cycling with support of U-LEAD
In recent years, municipalities have been actively developing bicycle infrastructure and promoting cycling. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme provides all the necessary methodological support for this.
#cycling infrastructure
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U-LEAD teaches how to restore lost documentation and set up effective document flow in municipalities
The issue of restoring document flow and retrieving the documents themselves will be relevant for municipalities that were under occupation and those that suffered from shelling.
#document management
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U-LEAD explains ins and outs of remote work to municipalities
Martial law introduced many changes in the activities of local self-government bodies, especially regarding labour relations.
#working issues
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U-LEAD experts train municipal starostas on information security and public outreach
Critical thinking and quality public outreach are important skills for a starosta (head of a village) to have in wartime.
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Waste management in wartime: tips for municipalities (INFOGRAPHIC)
The war affected and changed the municipalities of Ukraine. Many Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes, which caused a change in the load on critical infrastructure in most municipalities. Municipal waste management is no exception.
#waste management
#internally displaced persons
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U-LEAD experts explained the procedure for changing the toponyms to the municipalities of the Ukrainian South
Considering the historical situation in which Ukrainian society finds itself today, municipality representatives often face the issue of changing the names of streets, boulevards, squares and other toponyms.
#legal issues
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The winning municipalities started training as part of the "Steps for Project Management Specialists" program
The educational program is designed to provide specialists of municipalities with basic knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of projects in the fields of education, culture, and social protection.
#training programmes
#project management
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Land lease e-contract. How does the lessor — the local council — work with this tool?
A U-LEAD expert Andrii Pohorilyi examines closely the process of executing a contract of land lease from the perspective of the lessor, i.e. a local self-government body.
#land lease
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U-LEAD experts help local self-governments turn abandoned properties into municipal assets
Shelters and temporary housing arranged in sports facilities, schools, municipal care centres as well as dormitories give people fleeing war a roof over their heads. However, they are not suitable for long-term residence. That is why municipalities are looking for opportunities to increase their housing stock.
#internally displaced persons
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Municipalities of the Dnipropetrovsk region were presented with a road map for work with IDPs
The road map for internally displaced persons is one of the tools to help integrate this population category into the municipality.
#internally displaced persons
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Safe educational environment: students can change the education format during the school year
Learning during wartime is a challenge for teachers and students. However, creating a safe educational environment is one of the main tasks for those involved in organising the educational process as well as local self-government bodies.
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Project management for municipalities during the war: terms and conditions of applications for international support have been changed
U-LEAD continues to provide expert support to municipalities regarding the use of international technical assistance tools. This includes attracting additional resources for infrastructure reconstruction and population support during the war.
#international support
#project management
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Wartime energy security: municipalities must meet four main targets as they prepare for the heating season
In addition to helping the population prepare for winter and developing a plan to find future resources for heating, there should be actions in place aimed at maximally reducing heat consumption in municipal facilities at minimal costs and providing buildings with alternative energy sources in case of emergencies.
#heating season
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School nutrition reform. Ways to communicate with children
Communication is often overlooked as an important element contributing to the successful implementation of change on the ground. The success of the reform in general depends on the effective communication with pupils, their parents, and municipality residents.
#sectoral reforms
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Surviving Crises at Community Level – U-LEAD Experts’ Tips
Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk oblast community leaders have participated in a workshop Managing Crises at a Community Level held at the facilities of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme Kirovohrad Oblast Regional Office.
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Organizing Community Development – Zaporizhia Oblast Starosta’s Experience
Organizing the work of starosta and the areas of his or her responsibility were among the issues Iryna Nedobuha, starosta of the Komysh-Zoria Village Council, Zaporizhia oblast, told about at a workshop Organizing the Performance of Oversight Functions by the Starosta, which took place within the framework of a U-LEAD with Europe Programme training course entitled Steps for Starostas 2021.
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